Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] and it [is] " in BNC.

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1 Whether your child is with or without symptoms , they should receive normal immunisations and it is safe to use the following vaccines :
2 The demise of capitalism can only be the consequence of a political struggle and it is the course of this struggle between classes , in the conditions created by the development of the capitalist mode of production , which we now have to examine .
3 It is an important matter because clearly if er if the matter er if the suspicion er turns out to have been reasonable but not to bear t further examination then an accountant er could find themselves in great difficulty er both with regard to pecuniary difficulty and also professional difficulty and it 's something the minister needs to look at .
4 ‘ The terrorist group included a youth of about fifteen with bleached hair and it is thought that glimpses of this boy were used skilfully to support the terrorists ' claims .
5 It allows you to alternate between a high and low route and it 's easy to extend the walk or take short cuts .
6 I own a 109 Safari and it is ex-military with the two and a quarter petrol engine .
7 this standard differed for each category and it is difficult to see how it could be translated into a more general form .
8 It 's a Les Paul-type guitar and it 's great , apart from the fact that I seem to get terrible feedback , even at low volumes .
9 The General Strike in no way deflected it from that course and it is difficult to see that event as an historical watershed in the evolution of trade union policies and attitudes .
10 Spinelli is the leading federalist in the European Parliament and it is crucial to understand both the political ideas and the political strategy which have combined to produce his recent initiative .
11 Now I do n't think that 's right , fair or democratic and if we 've shied away from it for years handling this issue and now we 're in the position where this house has total responsibility for the thirty thousand citizens in total of Gibralt it 's not the electorate , the total population , thirty thousand and we continued to deny them vote yet they are citizens of the European union under our own legislation and accepted as such by the European parliament and it is wholly wrong Mr Deputy Speaker that the boundaries that we 're discussing in this bill were not drawn so that and it could easily have been done , that we could have incorporated the twenty odd thousand European union citizens of Gibraltar who do wish to be part of Spain and wo n't be for fifty years or more until it 's been a democracy that long , but to give them the right to vote .
12 And it is clear that there were , that a very significant proportion were not reaching that level and it 's being taxed .
13 ‘ It 's A Shame … ’ is the title track from the Lemonheads ' enthralling album and it 's beautiful .
14 But on this trip Gooch has not even had that pleasure and it is imperative now for England 's chances of winning back the Ashes from Australia this summer that their weary 39-year-old captain quickly recovers in health and spirit when he returns home on Saturday week .
15 However , the practice of conveyancing is a professional practice and it is important not to lose sight of good professional standards in one 's conduct .
16 There were n't many secrets in that neighbourhood and it is a wonder that Mud 's own was kept for so long .
17 Hm Well your on that side and it 's half an inch too short is n't it ?
18 Each tail movement or posture tells us ( and other cats ) something about the animal 's emotional condition and it is possible to draw up a ‘ de-coding key ’ , as follows :
19 The OSI Network Management Forum has delivered its Omnipoint 1 reference model for builders of integrated management products : Omnipoint is a set of standards , specifications and technologies that were created by a broad coalition and it is referenced in the US government 's Network Management Profile , soon to be included in government procurement guidelines in the UK ; among the technologies lurking in there are CMIP/X.700 , SNMP , work from X/Open Co Ltd and the Object Management Group ; the specifications are due to be published formally in October , and the idea is that systems that conform to the Omnipoint specs will be able to interwork .
20 So the implication of that study and it 's a rather astonishing one , although it fits exactly with , with the argument we 're developing is that because these , these women were living in very difficult circumstances , in prison , they were even more discriminating about the offspring they were actually and they did n't carry a single one to term that had a birth defect .
21 But of course we were very strongly against it really but er , because th you know we 'd been inundated with all these marvellous ideas of this progress and it 's all for the best and everything , but it does n't seemed to have work does it really ?
22 It 's a city because of it 's rich cultural heritage and it 's expertise in Local Government affairs that has much to offer those emerging local democracies in Eastern Europe .
23 Very few general hospital units , however , have recognized how important this service was to individual patients and now it usually falls to a beleaguered social worker to take on the complex task of sorting out welfare benefits ; social workers are not , however , experts in this field and it is a time-consuming task that few of them relish .
24 The unit is to return to Darlington next year for further checks and it is hoped the scheme will be extended to younger women in the future .
25 Rudston 's history goes back a very long way to Neolithic times and it is believed to be the oldest inhabited village in England .
26 Teachers who were arrogant and distant fell into this category and it is easy to see how they offend against the central principle and are deemed contemptuous .
27 Making the transition from amateur to professional is an uphill struggle and it 's getting tougher every year , reports Steve Muncey .
28 Add to this the fact that among mountain goats most of the winter mortality falls on the youngest animals and it is not hard to see why there are few surplus goats for the hunter 's guns .
29 These two predominant activities are merely complemented by the club 's social side and it is the former which , in fact , brings together friends and acquaintances in pursuit of the latter .
30 Preparations are now well advanced for this review and it is intended to seek views from all levels of the Association starting this winter .
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