Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] and [vb base] [be] " in BNC.

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1 McClellan feels that the advantages to the librarian of this arrangement are that he is able to exercise constantly all his professional skills and avoid being bogged down by a heavy burden of administrative routine .
2 I am a sole practitioner and have been asked to stand down and make way as auditor of a limited company for a larger outfit , following a JMU visit .
3 It may look to some extent like the original , it may even retain traces of the original , but the many pieces that make the whole were added at different times and have been the subject of change and much repair work .
4 They interact with the actin based cytoskeleton , and when stimulated may cause cytoskeletal rearrangement and have been shown to activate other cytoplasmic signalling pathways , thus acting as true transmembrane receptors .
5 I like to use a strand of fine polyester thread with my light yarns and have been very pleased to find a new supplier of lots and lots of colours and yes , they will send small quantities by mail order .
6 Foreigners , since the earliest times , have been required to live in special residential areas and have been treated with a good deal of suspicion and hostility by ordinary Russians as well as by government officials .
7 Here , wonderfully fresh fish and produce are served at every meal and a promenade stroll is the evening ritual .
8 During 1990 , only two or three ( c. 1% ) BGQs have been of a commercial nature and have been charged for .
9 These policies have ruined the opportunities and dreams of thousands of people throughout this district and have been carried out with no regard to the drastic effects they have had on people 's lives .
10 These policies have ruined the opportunities and dreams of thousands of people throughout this district and have been carried out with no regard to the drastic effects they have had on people 's lives .
11 That has been said and again I went to see the Treasurer 's Department this morning and have been assured that ours is a viable budget .
12 Well I 'd like to say that it 's not only adults who have an interest in this subject and have been watching what the county council is going to do about it .
13 At present there are around 700 registrations and have been over 600 conferments in this area .
14 Er , yes I agree the funding that we provide at the moment , seventeen thousand I think , er i in in we 've already committed erm for for wh for the coming year , is small but it is because of the example , because er people who wish to m er erm promote cycling schemes and cycling policies within South Cambridgeshire , within the county council can identify the example that we have been setting that hypothecated budget aimed at cycling have been er directed this way and have been spent amicably , constructively , sensibly by cycling working parties .
15 As you are aware we will not be receiving all of the Grant that we have applied for this year and have been told by the Sports Council that our Grant is to be reduced over the next 3 years and then cease .
16 Cash limits now cover directly some 60% of public expenditure and have been used in different ways throughout the public sector .
17 The local authorities spend over a quarter of public expenditure and have been a major source of control problems .
18 It is connected to a desire to paint an all white picture of Britain , a Britain before ‘ immigration ’ , an insular idea of what Ye Olde British culture and produce was .
19 ‘ But I know some people have felt so miserable they have seen their doctor for some medicine and have been told that the fumes are the likely cause of their symptoms .
20 The Missa Papae Marcelli of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina ( C. 1525–1594 ) , then master of the chapel at St. Maria Maggiore at Rome , may well date from this time and have been accepted at once as an embodiment of the Tridentine ideal but there is no evidence that it was the unique exemplar of the legend .
21 These were committed to a balanced or cross-bench political outlook and have been uneasy with the Prime Minister 's zeal , certainty , and forcefulness .
22 Derek says … they 've broken a few boats in testing … they 've been building prototypes for the last six months and have been putting in hours at sea to make sure everything is right
23 The frets are Jim Dunlop 6230 medium size and have been finished quite nicely , with no sharp edges protruding over the fingerboard , as has been the case on some Ibanez guitars in the past .
24 Conventional gestures are valuable not only because they often appear in the epics themselves , but also because they are universally recognised as a means of communication in real life and have been used on the stage since the earliest days of the theatre .
25 1985 ) expectation of seeing appropriate training and support being available to all teachers to enable them to cater for the linguistic needs of pupils in a linguistically diverse Britain ( para. 2.17 ) still needs serious consideration .
26 Nowhere do you mention the several hundred thousand Arabs ( Muslims , Christians ) who carry Israeli passports and have been second-class citizens for the past 45 years .
27 Lead statues were often painted to resemble more precious stone or marble and some of those at Powis bore traces of their original white paintwork and have been repainted .
28 My own research in Mexico suggests that female managers tend to be found in those depanments that are concerned with interpersonal relations within the plant ( personnel , public relations , training ) and that women who start off in these areas and succeed are occasionally promoted to higher levels of management .
29 Her fabulous products for face and body contain a wealth of natural ingredients and have been formulated without animal testing .
30 Armies are the main conventional weapon and have been around for over five millennia in various forms .
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