Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] in [Wh det] to do " in BNC.

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1 He not only informed on fellow-members of the Communist Party in 1934–6 and requested a public session in which to do so ‘ because secrecy serves the Communist cause ’ ; he took a display advertisement in the New York Times to justify himself .
2 So we 've got about six weeks in which to do this .
3 If you and the father have n't decided on a Christian name you have just six weeks in which to do it . ’
4 Two days later , Herzog invited Peres to try and form a new government , giving him three weeks in which to do so .
5 For a feminist , the most obvious way in which to do this ( for Christ is a male figure ) is to make reference to the earliest community of disciples , particularly the community of women .
6 What he did not know was that the Government , by the next day , would be anxious to retreat from the formula , and that the miners ' executive , having dispersed itself from London , would give them all day in which to do so .
7 This will create a better environment in which to do business .
8 In many parts of the world there are big restrictions on the way we trade , but the industry here has not been preventing from growing and we have a good environment in which to do business .
9 Transworld 's international sales director John Blake said the heat of Olympia 2 did not create a good atmosphere in which to do business .
10 A small generator can be used primarily to stop a battery discharging and it will only be able to recharge a battery if it is small and has a long time in which to do it .
11 We need to challenge ourselves , to move ourselves on , but we need to give ourselves a safe framework in which to do so .
12 I have n't got a player for two full days in which to do it .
13 They have two more matches in which to do so .
14 As a result of that I 'm learning more now than I ever have , even though I have less time in which to do so . ’
15 Er we 've got one month in which to do it basically erm so what I would suggest is that the officers of the three unions represented here apply for paid release first of all to or , presumably it will be Geoff the Chief Personnel Officer .
16 He used to try and learn other players ' licks from the radio and this process was hampered by the fact that he only had one pass in which to do so .
17 They were to be measured at the time of felling and the buyer was given 15 years in which to do the felling .
18 Faced with this situation , but without any brief to involve themselves in working with the teacher to modify aspects of the curriculum for the class as a whole , nor indeed with any time in which to do it , support teachers are powerless to take action to improve the effectiveness of their work .
19 The majority of Japanese mobile investment projects and many of the American projects are coming to Britain in preference to anywhere else because Britain has the best environment in which to do business .
20 No doubt they would find new and disgusting ways in which to do it .
21 Because until G C S E you are fed , the school is fed , in that you are told fairly quickly what you have to do and although I know that a number of you spends the right amount of time or a lot of time on homework , you are told usually , er you have erm a night or two nights in which to do this particular piece of work now once you get into the sixth form
22 And the person perfecting his plans in Oxford , the person who had taken possession of the red Cavalier , that person had plenty to do , and precious little time in which to do it — to do it in Oxford .
23 They only have seven minutes in which to do so .
24 She had by that time , however , had a whole week in which to do quite a lot of thinking .
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