Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [that] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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31 Such criticism leads us directly to the higher plains of aestheticism from where it becomes possible to adopt a universal outlook , a point of view based on the sort of timeless values that enable one to study objectively ( unsentimentally , unemotionally and ‘ without rancour ’ ) the lower depths of social reality .
32 The 12 hours that shook us all
33 An exciting yacht that fulfils everyone 's expectations , she is stylish , luxurious and very fast .
34 My grandmother is a keen birdwatcher and she 'd already introduced me to a lot of the different birds that visited her bird-table , telling me what they ate and showing me their nests and explaining how they were made and what they were made of .
35 But now suddenly he came out with it violently , almost in the manner of Hotspur himself over-riding some constraint that tied his tongue :
36 One peculiar characteristic of the British Parliament that distinguishes it from many legislatures in other countries , and particularly from the United States Congress , is the slight use made of specialized committees .
37 American banks will need years to recover from the now souring loans to property developers and leveraged buy-outs that followed their third-world lending .
38 But it was quite a different contrast that struck me there in Alison 's kitchen : the aching disparity between the woman who stood there , impatient for me to be gone , and the one I was going home to .
39 Have you made a note of some kind that reminds you to research the blank spots further ?
40 Michael felt sick suddenly , the choking kind that made it difficult to swallow .
41 This afternoon that put them on environment minister Michael Howard 's hit list .
42 Beccaria uses just such an argument against capital punishment ( in addition to his rational , effectiveness arguments ) ; we simply would not enter into a social contract that gave someone the right to kill us .
43 It was proving to be an ideal choice of holiday with a programme of free activities that gave us an easy opportunity to make friends with the guests form other nations who gave the Club such a cosmopolitan atmosphere .
44 Clowns seem to have a lower centre of gravity , or a magnetic field that converts everything to prose .
45 And it is this struggle that showed us a way .
46 Severed as I was from Father and from Helmut , living in a foreign country , was it the fear of further severance that kept me in this unequal concurrence ?
47 The Macallan is a smooth , sumptuous whisky that gets its character and rich , dark amber colour from the sherry casks in which it is aged for at least ten years .
48 Ironically , it was Artemesia 's horrendous experience that gave her talent focus , strength and direction — hence her paintings of heroic women and paintings that capture the disturbing sense of sexual threat and graphic display of woman 's vengence — voicing Artemesia Gentileschi 's own anger and rage . ’
49 Inside , her organs twined about each other unnaturally , her bones softened and grew functionless knobs that breached her skin .
50 Although it looked completely different , it was this truck that gave me the concept for ‘ MiniMag ’ , the 27ft ( 8m ) articulated truck that we used for Mrs Thatcher 's open-air meetings in the 1987 election .
51 The two grand old men of Arcueil , and , and the entire cult of French physics that surrounded them are entertainingly dissected through the period when French physics moved from uncompromising support of newtonianism to its near rejection with the wave theory of light .
52 And , perhaps , with this act of treachery I can finally buy my freedom from the burden of buried horror that bound me to Andy twenty years ago , so that — dispossessed of that trespass — I 'm left free to betray him again , now .
53 got a funny smell that smoke you know
54 It is not their high income that makes them capitalists , but the fact that they own the means of production ( i.e. inputs necessary for production factories , machines , etc . ) .
55 But if you are n't prepared to wade through acres of news and advertising print , your financial adviser should be able to pick out a few plans that suit your needs .
56 I powered up gradually , settling into an easy , long-paced stride that got my lungs working properly and readied my legs .
57 By the time I see her put on her high heels that make it worse though .
58 If you are restrained from doing something , then there is often some force that prevents you .
59 The emotion that goes into art is subtle and it is the faculty of being able to feel this emotion that constitutes our appreciation of art .
60 Well there must be another force that makes them see them things must n't there ?
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