Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [is] that if " in BNC.

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1 By contrast , the position ultimately reached in the English cases is that if the primary reason for issuing new shares is to fend off a potential bidder for the company then the decision of the directors will be one that the courts can overturn even if the directors are acting bona fide in the best interests of the company .
2 My view is and it 's a widely held view within the association and , and the informed clubs is that if we let that situation go on and do nothing about it we will have a decreasing er number of people going and number of people going sailing .
3 th , th again , again you see the strength of this course is that if nobody had actually given you time like , you 'd have never known .
4 The practical effect of this provision is that if an MNP is formed by , say , a merger of a foreign legal firm and an English firm , the firm name used by either may be adopted as the name of the MNP if it is made up of the names of present or former principals who are or were lawyers ; a new name may be used derived from the names of one or more present or former principals of either firm ; a name previously approved by the Council may be used ; or application may be made for approval in writing by the Council of a name which does not otherwise comply with the requirements of rule 11(1) ( A ) .
5 The main finding of this study is that if intestinal pseudo-obstruction develops in patients with amyloidosis , the clinical features are considerably different according to the chemical types of amyloid protein .
6 The logic behind this rule is that if si and sj are switched on together more frequently in the desired state than while the machine is free , then we want them to correlate more ; so we increase the weight of the link between them .
7 Another point to be noted in this connexion is that if the dynamic range of a passage does not exceed mf , the balance , upset by the division of one or more departments of the strings , can be restored by means of suitable expression-marks .
8 In the former case , one clear example is that if heroin became more easily available and cheaper , more people might begin to take it .
9 Barro 's argument for the inclusion of this variable is that if government expenditure is equal to its normal level , it will tend to be financed by orthodox taxation , but if it is , say , abnormally high it is more likely to be financed by measures which increase the rate of monetary growth .
10 A quick tip for this method is that if you work an extra row before casting off you can simply remove the stitches from the needlebed and , using the latch tool or a crochet hook , cast off the stitches away from the machine whenever it suits you .
11 One of the most obvious implications of this definition is that if there is no obligation , there is no liability : it follows that costs to be incurred in the future are not liabilities while the entity retains the discretion to avoid them .
12 Smiling benignly at Seb , the gipsy leader said , ‘ One of the most important lessons to learn in this life is that if you wish to convince someone of anything you must first convince yourself .
13 The principle underlying this approach is that if coins of year a are represented by x coins in hoards and coins of year b are represented by 2x coins , then twice as many coins of year b were minted than of year a .
14 It may not in all cases be sufficient to advise a client that the action which he desires to take is not possible under the existing law ; circumstances may arise in which the proper answer is that if the law does not allow the action to be taken then the law itself should be changed .
15 the funny thing is that if if you know that what you 've got on your head is something acrylic , then you ca n't feel all that good about yourself .
16 Another problem is that if you 're trying to deal with other manufacturers in the way that we do , where we have this extremely close relationship and they are very reliant on our forward forecasts of volume , they feel if you have your own manufacturing plant that you would always give preference to it in bad times and the other suppliers would be the people to suffer if sales declined .
17 Another problem is that if the remedies are given for long periods , as they often are , the patient may start to prove the remedy , developing a new set of symptoms .
18 The most perverse element of the English system is that if a child is not called , the hearsay rule pre vents anyone else — a parent , doctor or policeman — from repeating in court what the child said out of court .
19 What matters for this purpose is that if it escapes it is likely to do mischief and this is the meaning to be given to ‘ dangerous thing ’ in this context .
20 The essence of this judgment is that if the courts are considering whether a duty of care exists in a particular situation , they will apply three criteria : fore-seeability of damage , proximity of relationship , and reasonableness .
21 All that logic can offer in this connection is that if the premises are true then the conclusion must be true .
22 The typical conjecture is that if you protect car driver from their mistakes you encourage bad driving .
23 The real irony is that if Israel continues to systematically close all community service institutions , while the government sector has all but collapsed , then the people will be left with no option but to organise things for themselves … in the end only the popular committees will be left .
24 The real irony is that if , as so many commentators suggest , the British are becoming increasingly disillusioned with and disinterested in the royal family , all these much-hyped books would stop selling .
25 The simple truth is that if the British withdrew this country would become an economic wasteland and whether there is a Catholic voting majority at some point in the future or not there will not be a united Ireland as no one would want to pay the enormous costs involved .
26 The second drawback is that if you spend too much time standing back , commenting on what 's going on , using humour and changing the subject you may end up disrupting a collective sense of purpose and fail to meet your objective .
27 The standard procedure is that if there are allegations of sexual abuse , the police and this department swing into action together .
28 The logic of early education is that if mentally handicapped children are given stimulation in their formative years , almost from the moment of birth , difficult behavioural problems can be avoided , and considerable academic advancements can be made .
29 Its most serious claim is that if a Labour party , elected on a socialist manifesto , attempted to carry out reforms which would seriously shift the balance of power in favour of working-class people , then the ruling class , aided and abetted by the media and US interests .
30 This relationship is n't just common to product relationships it 's the same in cost revenue relationships as well Okay , so so what that diagram is saying in symbolic terms is that if the slope of the ideal product of labour curve , right , if D L P D A P L by D L positive , then the marginal product of labour must be greater than the average product of labour .
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