Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [to-vb] [is] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A sensible place to start is with the section ‘ What to study ’ , with its brief but cogent essays by practitioners of each subject on offer .
2 As often , the proper place to begin is with a text of Gaius .
3 Prevention is better than cure , and the sensible thing to do is to physically shield the mike , either by angling the shot out of the wind , or by getting an assistant to shelter it bodily .
4 The proper way to proceed is for Members of the House to consult their constituents and consider the whole Bill in detail first .
5 We have always suggested that the proper time to rise is after 10 o'clock .
6 Another simple rule to observe is to be careful not to crimp or squeeze the cable .
7 If one is still searching for ways to explain this absence , believing with most ethologists , socio-biologists , and even some social anthropologists that aggression is part of human nature , then the obvious place to look is for some form of ritual as catharsis , or try to identify some other culturally constructed behaviour pattern which allows the individual Chewong to shed negatively valued arousal states , like anger , which according to such theories would build up and erupt in uncontrolled violent behaviour .
8 An obvious place to begin is with problems arising from the omission of the proper words for a testamentary disposition .
9 But I mean I , if they want to be nasty they 're going to be nasty , in a sense , and , and if they ca n't see a positive way of using something , but they still want to get it in , then the obvious thing to do is to be nasty about it .
10 ‘ The most obvious way to begin is through the education of those who are to be citizens ’ .
11 A good place to begin is with the goals that you had reached about two weeks before you went on holiday .
12 The only problem is knowing where to begin and a good place to start is at one of the best known fishing hotels in the north , Scourie Hotel , owned and managed by Ian Hay and his family for more than thirty years .
13 Another good place to look is in the soil around or beneath a compost heap .
14 The most difficult part of learning to read is learning that learning to read is worth the effort involved , and of being aware of the rewards of reading .
15 One of the most important areas to learn is about yourself .
16 Another low-cost way to draughtproof is with a DIY window insulation kit .
17 I mean eventually of course if somebody is dissatisfied , and they do n't believe that they 're getting er what they want , then they may well end up speaking to me , or writing to me , but er it 's the first place to start is with the individual service .
18 Barbedette concluded that the only thing to do is to ‘ maintain an intrepid virtue . ’
19 The first thing to recognise is at what level you are currently performing .
20 The only way to move is by proving beyond all reasonable doubt that your home address has moved over a certain distance , and that the club you wish to join is considerably closer to your new address .
21 But when you are really up against it there are times when the only way to win is by a little crafty reinterpretation of the rules .
22 The only way to survive is by cheating .
23 If the bias towards one end is only small , the best place to start is in the middle where there is often plenty of space and the chances of making a good start are greater .
24 As with any important expedition , the best place to start is in the comfort of your own sofa , making a plan of campaign .
25 The best place to start is in the pencil test .
26 But we should all be doing something , and the best place to begin is with a prayer every day for God 's blessing on the great work of telling people that God loves them .
27 The best place to walk is in the middle of the pavement .
28 ‘ He says he 's interested in building up a representative collection of primitive and tribal art , but when we tell him the best place to look is in his own back yard , as it were , he tells us he does n't want Abo art , ’ James said , trying unsuccessfully to pronounce the last two words of his sentence with what he imagined was an Australian accent .
29 Well I 'll I 'll erm Well if you 've got the insurance the be the best thing to do is for me to tell them when you 've actually been done .
30 Probably what the best thing to do is for for for managers to sit when Vicky comes back I 'll fill in for anyone who reports to me .
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