Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [subord] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They set broad direction while allowing their views to be influenced by the experience so gained .
2 However , unlike Mills they see professional groups as losing their power and influence rather than as joining the power elite .
3 The attraction of such films lies apparently in the offer of illicit sexual pleasure to men whose sexual confidence is at such a low ebb as to make them unlikely or unable to resist .
4 In December 1757 he tried to excuse himself ‘ as my abode is at such distance from the place where the Royal Society hold their weekly meetings as to render it not only inconvenient , but unsafe for me to attend them in the winter season. , A month later Ellis countered with , ‘ I scarce think it possible that Mr. Miller should have no one friend in the Society to send him word and , indeed , I had told Rivington to tell Miller I would be glad to discuss the matter at Fulham , and Miller ignored it . ’
5 Vatican II endorsed this terminology as does our present Holy Father .
6 As we have seen , it is far easier to parry a direct blow than to stop it forcibly .
7 Its actions belied Bush 's declaration on Nov. 15 that he preferred to hold this course than to do something that did not work .
8 When you can not discover the length of the cone it is best to err on the generous side whilst using your previous experience to decide how many cones you would expect the garment to take .
9 When you can not discover the length on the cone it is best to err on the generous side whilst using your previous experience to decide how many cones you would expect the garment to take .
10 It is difficult to interpret the results of this experiment as representing anything but evidence of precise specialization of clover clones in their ability to grow in association with particular grass neighbours .
11 Gavin undertook this research whilst completing his B.Sc .
12 Our results and a review of published works cast doubts on the value of annual colonoscopic surveillance in this condition when considering its cost effectiveness and the definition of a workable programme .
13 Most financial intermediaries are thus involved in a process known as maturity transformation whereby deposits generally have a shorter term than have their loans .
14 The gunpowder either killed the poor man or caused such grievous wounds as to send him into a swoon from which he would never recover .
15 And what I 'd like to do is , we do welcome this Act cos y'know we 're not dog in a manger , when there 's a good Act well , we 'll welcome it and we 'll say so .
16 In 1956 , Break found a small net disincentive effect , with an extra 3% of the population claiming higher taxes to be a disincentive to further work than claimed it to be an incentive .
17 If you are foolish enough to close this binder whilst holding it upside down on your lap , I am in no way responsible for any damage that it causes .
18 This is seen by some judges as usurping their function .
19 More the kind of face-lift marketing men give an old product when launching it with a new package , less a shift of political culture and strategy rooted in the configurations of modern social change .
20 Historians have different purposes when writing their books .
21 Zizzo plays the Concerto well enough , capturing the atmosphere of Broadway effectively , while still relating the work to its classical roots ( natural son of Rachmaninov in places ) , and the orchestra , clearly happier in this idiom than int he Overture , provides fine support .
22 This tradition had been reanimated by Sir Philip Sidney in his Astrophil and Stella , but even he , pioneer and inventor though he was , was content to reproduce the standard man-woman relationship while devoting his energies to creating an idiomatic English-speaking voice for Astrophil , and to filling out the persona of the frustrated lover , with all his follies and self-deceptions , hope and disappointment .
23 If they call you names or they spit at you , or or whatever , it 's better to walk away and live another day than to get your head kicked in and end up in hospital .
24 On the contrary , the use of such materials will consolidate and extend our students ’ familiarity with computational techniques while introducing them to a relatively new and important range of historical source material .
25 Oliver Gregory , who set High Street trends as co-founder of the Habitat chain , might have slipped on wet grass while carrying his shotgun in the garden of his home at Collingbourne Ducis , Wilts .
26 Conclude : ‘ It is better to waste your old age than to do nothing at all with it . ’
27 Nor , it seems , did he think it necessary to tell Mr. Small that Matadial had adhered to her statement in this respect when making her addendum in May .
28 Funny fanny While reading your ‘ Rubber Love ’ article ( FACE 48 ) , I came across the word ‘ fanny ’ .
29 How can we justify rich landowners taking public handouts while making their farmworkers redundant ?
30 George , playing at No. 3 to Brian Daly , turned in another five star performance when helping his rink to a rather one-sided 27-6 win over the Dunluce four skipped by Malcolm McMullan .
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