Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [v-ing] of the " in BNC.

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1 The intestine was removed , intact from the pylorus to the ileocecal value , and a standard jejunal segment consisting of the portion between 30 and 45 cm distal to the Treitz 's ligament was excised .
2 The claims involve hardening and in some cases rupturing of the implant and the injuries suffered vary but include auto-immune system disorders such as athritus .
3 The programme is an all-Ravel affair consisting of the ( with Mikhail Rudy ) , and most interestingly of all , Yan Pascal 's own orchestration of the Piano Trio .
4 The mean strain in the phase r is the same as the uniform strain inside a spherical inclusion , composed of the material of the rth phase ; this is perfectly fitted into an infinite matrix consisting of the comparison material , which is under uniform strain at infinity .
5 For this reason phasing of the works is not practicable .
6 In tracing the influence of psychodynamic theory , Payne offers a three part periodic table consisting of the following elements : prior to 1920 when these theories had little influence ( pre-influence ) ; a period of dominance between the 1930s and 1960s ; from the 1960s to the present when they form one of many alternatives .
7 When the Eighth Army turned and stood for what was to be the first battle of Alamein , a tiny force consisting of the 11th Field Regiment and a part of the Essex Regiment was rushed to the Ruweisat Ridge with orders to plug the vital gap between the South African positions on the coast and the New Zealanders on the edge of the Quattara Depression .
8 Overall responsibility to the Academic Board and the Director for the health of the Course lies with the appointed Dean , who heads a small central team consisting of the Assistant Dean , Modular Course Co-ordinator and eleven senior tutors .
9 An alternative is to build a second tree consisting of the words in the compounds , i.e. a ‘ compound tree ’ .
10 As with all the best competitions the rules are entirely arbitrary and drawn up by an impartial judging commmittee consisting of the proprietor of this column and nobody else .
11 We have demonstrated previously that S. frugiperda cells , co-infected with two dual recombinant baculoviruses expressing VP2/VP5 and VP3/VP7 produce BTV-like particles consisting of the core which is formed by VP3 and VP7 , and the outer shell which consists of VP2 and VP5 ( 10 ) .
12 For example , where particular clients agree that their money may be placed with a particular bank with a view to earning a higher rate of interest but correspondingly accepting a greater risk of default by the bank , those clients ' claims will form part of a separate pool consisting of the assets placed with that bank or ( in the case of a designated fund account ) with a group of such banks .
13 The substantial legislator is the Church Assembly , a tripartite body consisting of the Houses of Bishops , Clergy and Laity .
14 Under these circumstances nicking of the DNA has been observed [ 35–37 ] .
15 On Christmas Day in 1806 , three boats comprising of the entire fishing fleet of Stotfield , a fishing village near Lossiemouth in Scotland , prepared to put to sea for a day 's fishing .
16 Opposition is being led by an unusual alliance consisting of the Outdoor Writers ' Guild , which counts many leading walkers among its membership , the Country Landowners ' Association and the National Farmers ' Union , as well as the National Trust , the Countryside Commission and individual walkers .
17 If the defendant 's address can be proved , but he is denied there , an order for substituted service " by first class prepaid post in a plain white or blue ( but not buff ) handwritten envelope on which is to be affixed an ordinary postage stamp " may be sought , and some district judges are familiar with an order in these terms knowing of the antipathy to buff envelopes when received by some defendants , particularly debtors .
18 At least there was little evidence remaining of the break-in .
19 Lindsay proposed a general foundation course for all students consisting of the study of the " Heritage of Western Civilization " , " Experimental Science " , and " Modern Democratic Institutions " . "
20 A rise in the unemployment rate from U 1 to U 2 tends to raise the proportion of that rate consisting of the long-term unemployed from LT 1 to LT 2 .
21 Thus on the DEC PDP-8 computer , there is a 3-bit operation code field ; if the operation code is 7 , then the " operate " instruction group is indicated , and a particular function is specified by a sub-operation field consisting of the remaining nine bits ( of the 12-bit word ) .
22 Baath Party 134 *Other National Progressive Front parties 32 Independents 84 Total 250 * The National Progressive Front was an electoral coalition consisting of the Baath Party and five other parties , including the Syrian Communist Party and the Arab Socialist Party .
23 Executive power is vested in the President , elected for a five-year term by an electoral college consisting of the elected members of the upper and lower Houses of Parliament ( the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha respectively ) and of the Legislative Assemblies of the States .
24 Executive power is vested in the President , elected for a five-year term by an electoral college consisting of the elected members of the upper and lower Houses of Parliament ( the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha respectively ) and of the Legislative Assemblies of the States .
25 Also in this category , however , is a group of establishments formed from the amalgamation of a college of education with one or more further education colleges , for example the North East Wales Institute of Higher Education consisting of the former Cartrefle College of Education , Wrexham ; Wrexham College of Technology ; and Kelsterton College of Technology , Connah 's Quay , Flintshire .
26 Eventually , Germany was led by ‘ a small group of powerful industrial , financial , and agrarian monopolists tending to coalesce with a group of party hierarchs into one single bloc disposing of the means of production and the means of violence ’ ( Neumann 1944 , p. 634 ) .
27 Offered an any time , any place rescheduling of the tests over the following three months ( Business even offered to fly Hamilton-Phillips on a trip to the Far East with one ) , they still declined to change their minds .
28 Under the Federal Constitution which came into force in 1901 , legislative authority within the Commonwealth of Australia is vested in a bicameral Federal Parliament consisting of the Senate whose 76 members ( 12 from each of the country 's constituent states and two each for the Northern Territory and the Capital Territory of Canberra ) are directly elected for a six-year term and retire by rotation , one-half from each state on June 30 of each third year ; and the 148-member House of Representatives elected for three years ; each state has its own legislature , government and constitution .
29 In the day , there is usually a religious procession consisting of the religious image , the priests , members of the church and other people .
30 Despite attempts to glamorise those who died fulfilling their ‘ internationalist duty ’ in Afghanistan , there were many letters in the Soviet press complaining of the one-sided treatment of the war that had been provided in the Soviet media and of the failure to make proper provision for the wounded on their return to the USSR .
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