Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb past] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Until 1980 local economic strategies took their place among the many uncontested , bipartisan policies of local government , although with the recession and the ‘ de-industrialization ’ of Britain this was an expanding activity for an increasing number of local authorities .
2 This time the hiss was louder and strong fingers gripped his shoulder and shook it , jerking him awake .
3 In 1728 he established a farm at Kingsessing near Philadelphia , with six acres sloping away to the river in the south-west for a garden and where horticultural work in due course supplanted his pursuit of agriculture .
4 That admission made her smile to herself .
5 Discounting , too , increased as an acceptable practice as European hoteliers imitated their US counterparts .
6 A large camouflaged painted truck caught their attention .
7 In 1935 Nizan turned his attention once again to the French educational system .
8 Legend has it that the once-rounded peaks had their tops lopped off by a supernatural force to make a flat-topped bed and table for St Columba when he visited the island in AD585 .
9 Her trembling fingers traced his kiss on her lips .
10 Mr Townsend , who 's fifty nione opened his shop two years ago … when he and his brother sold the family funeral parlour next door …
11 Her helpless response had its effect upon him .
12 The persistent pinging assaulted her ears and she forced it into her head .
13 In neither case did their husbands fully understand their aspirations and the nature of their difficulties which meant that the burdens of domestic work and childcare went largely unrelieved .
14 In the summer of 1948 Minton terminated his association with Central School of Art after only two terms .
15 Birds were singing , dogs were being exercised , children shouted in the distance , but the pleasant afternoon had its drawbacks , as the Sergeant explained .
16 Country house visiting , which had been common in the eighteenth century and Regency when everyone liked to have their taste admired , became infrequent as even the greatest houses closed their gates to visitors , persuaded that the sanctities of ‘ home ’ were not for exhibition to the public eye .
17 After an hour or so of that Malm changed his tack and wanted to know whom Stephen had met on that morning walk , everything he had seen .
18 For instance , when the political prisoners staged their hunger strike during the Pope 's visit , we broadcast their demands .
19 The Rothamsted researchers confirmed their suspicions in a series of delicate experiments involving the aphid , Myzus persicae , the wild potato S. tuberthaultii and its cultivated relative S. tuberosum .
20 Soon , however , the swing of her downhill striding left her mind free for an image of the yacht and the clean white pullover and the laughing interested , face of the yachtsman .
21 Between 1960 and 1980 Pilkingtons dominated its core markets , glass and insulation , a dominance underpinned by the company 's technological superiority in product and process .
22 That course changed my life .
23 But prolonged recession undermined his support and Canadians blamed widespread unemployment on the loss of jobs to the United States through a free-trade agreement Mr Mulroney signed in 1988 .
24 The working groups produced their reports in 1989 , and on the basis of them , the Secretary of State drew up and published programmes of study and attainment targets in all four subjects .
25 Her flailing hand slipped down to the pack , wrenching its cords open , just as cruel fingers seized her arm .
26 When the topographical artists displayed their work in the south of England they served as most effective tourist publicity .
27 AFTER 24 hours of disruption , the European Parliament recovered its poise last night when two members of its neo-fascist faction publicly apologised for violently interrupting proceedings on Wednesday .
28 An ample private income allowed him time to indulge his tastes for writing , politics , and rowing .
29 The elder sister shook her head .
30 By the next day , flood warning computers built into the river banks along the 120 miles of the Tay were flashing yellow warning signals as placid tributaries dumped their overload into the river .
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