Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes they may end with one side going extinct , in which case the other side presumably stops evolving in that particular progressive direction , and indeed it will probably even ‘ regress ’ for economic reasons soon to be discussed .
2 In the increasing number of critical surveys of the English novel published during the present century Conrad is the sole writer ever to be included in the safe , accepted procession from Fielding to Henry James and beyond who could , to some degree , be considered to write of adventure in the traditional sense ; and it is always made perfectly clear that Conrad 's moral and philosophical probings constitute his true value , his story-telling expertise being , by implication , no more than a means to an end .
3 The island no longer gave men without much capital the economic opportunity sometimes to be found on a frontier , where land can be acquired cheaply by anyone prepared to make the great effort needed to clear it and plant the first crops .
4 In the demand drawing the broken line is pushed to a different level instead of being drawn to it .
5 compensation for suspected cases instead of being dilatory for 18 months , the problem would have been contained much more quickly .
6 She stood there until he went quiet , stayed a few minutes longer to be certain and only then returned to her cupboard bedroom next to the servants ' loft .
7 That the wall over this altar is no longer bare demonstrates the new , forward-looking nature of the hitherto so tragic , so complicated relations between the Germans and Czechs , and of their reciprocal readiness now to be reconciled ‘ .
8 ( 5 ) Where under a contract of sale the transfer of the property in the goods is to take place at a future time or subject to some condition later to be fulfilled the contract is called an agreement to sell .
9 Having won 15 of the rally 's 33 special stages , Biasion became world champion with the Ivory Coast and British rallies still to be run in a season spanning 13 events .
10 Bao , the former head of the CCP central committee 's office on political structural reform , had been a key participant in implementing Zhao 's reformist policies , and was the most senior public figure yet to be tried in connection with the 1989 unrest .
11 A united South Africa within the British Empire was the purpose for which , almost from the beginning of the Boer War , Lord Milner laboured and assembled the galaxy of British talent soon to be known as his kindergarten .
12 The race has been won in the past two years by a Gold Cup winner-The Thinker 12 months ago after being successful at Cheltenham the previous season , while the 1985 Gold Cup hero Forgive ‘ N ’ Forget won here in 1987 .
13 The race has been won in the past two years by a Gold Cup winner-The Thinker 12 months ago after being successful at Cheltenham the previous season , while the 1985 Gold Cup hero Forgive ‘ N ’ Forget won here in 1987 .
14 Donna Landry believes that the poem ’ … presents an iconography of paternal despotism and daughterly humiliation scarcely to be met with elsewhere in eighteenth-century verse' [ Landry , 103 ] .
15 After the boat had stopped for the night there was always some work still to be done on the platform .
16 Telephone system still requires documentation , and some functions still to be added or re-instated .
17 There was plenty of old business still to be settled .
18 An acquaintance of mine arrived some weeks later to be told that he could have them if he had turned up sooner .
19 Health Authority figures show some outpatients who 've been referred by their GP to an orthapedic consultant there , may have to wait more than 2 years just to be seen .
20 A decent man doing a difficult job with players who are light years away from being the world 's best , he has been treated for the last week like a cross between a child molester and a Nazi war criminal .
21 And in this varied picture there were even some share-croppers still to be found , though everywhere they were dwindling in importance .
22 Spontaneous procession leaving no time for notice may be exempted but there are some imponderables yet to be clarified in practice .
23 ‘ That is not easy because we have only a few days together after being split for 10 months .
24 In 1933 he joined the Old Vic Company for an impressive range of stage work ( Henry VIII again , The Cherry Orchard , Macbeth , Measure for Measure , The Tempest ) and in 1936 he was the first English actor ever to be invited to appear at the Comédie Française in Paris , where he played Molière 's Le Médecin Malgré Lui .
25 Sgt Newman was gunned down by a man wearing a baseball cap as he walked to his car after leaving the Army careers office in Derby to which he had moved only 12 days ago to be nearer his home .
26 Look at the toes of its front feet and if you discover fur on its nails you will know for sure there is another rabbit still to be captured .
27 The stage set is a masterpiece of ingenuity and construction skills , and despite some acoustic problems yet to be solved , no praise could be too high for the really splendid contribution of the Ulster Orchestra under our own Christopher Bell , who has also conducted the work in Dublin .
28 A TOP sportswoman was awarded £230,981 damages in the High Court yesterday after being knocked down by a motorcycle .
29 Michael Maddison is led away in handcuffs from the High Court yesterday after being jailed for life for bludgeoning two youths to death with a baseball bat
30 The 1960 were , as we can see now , in some ways rightly to be thought of as a time of indulgence .
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