Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [pers pn] be something " in BNC.

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1 For forty-five years I was something I was n't .
2 Cos that was St Petersberg catholic ladies guild or something and another day it was something like I B M or whatever you know .
3 But since Gide has been criticized in this respect it is something which needs to be addressed .
4 In this respect he is something like a general on a battlefield — except that the battle never comes to an end .
5 It 's not Direct Line it 's something Direct .
6 Finally it was put to the vote , and while I can not recall the actual figures it was something like forty in favour of the UK proposal , about thirty abstentions and just one ( Bulgaria ! ) against .
7 Nearly every organization requires accounts or finance clerks , so if mathematics is your strong point it is something to think about .
8 By all accounts she was something of a beauty .
9 I 'm a layman to you and you 're a layman to me in many senses , and therefore erm the , the , the fact that our students are in effect very often laymen is not something that detracts from their motivation to study , in many instances it 's something that gives it stimulus and underlines it .
10 Bel-Hathor seemed an inauspicious choice ; like most Sapherian princes he was something of an eccentric .
11 To antique lovers it is something else — the home of the rushand cane-seated chairs that are the best-known examples of the Provençal furniture .
12 It 's probably right but it does n't actually count in that calculation it 's something quite separate .
13 And in general terms they 're something of the order of twenty five and a half thousand swellings committed to development in the county , together with three and a half thousand erm in in in draft local plans .
14 AT FIRST sight it 's something of a puzzle how invertebrate animals without eyes measure daylength .
15 It was unlikely , because there were numerous Telfords in the phone book , and in any case it was something she 'd have to risk .
16 In his own way he is something of an expert on the private lives of actresses .
17 Sometimes the object of the panic is quite novel and at other times it is something which has been in existence long enough , but suddenly appears in the limelight .
18 but Mrs the other day it was something like two o'clock , Mrs said to her , she went to lunch one till two Mrs oh have you had your lunch ?
19 ‘ Even if it 's only for one or two games it 's something I 'll always be able to look back on with pride . ’
20 And I sat and last week it was something down here .
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