Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Somehow I feel a subtle change within myself since our wedding .
2 If the G M B could reg retain the unemployed and redundant , it would give a solid base on which to work .
3 Oh well it 's gon na be a right change for us in that room int it ?
4 When young people form a strong attachment to someone of another race or religion , parents and elders may well express surprise .
5 There was little sympathy for them from club officials , with ‘ apathy ’ one of the words used to describe their attitude .
6 German civilians especially suffered mistreatment at the hands of the Red Army in the East , but there was little sympathy for them after six years of war .
7 The Information will be used by you solely for the purpose of evaluating the possible purchase by you of the Company and , unless and until you have completed such a transaction , the Information will be kept confidential by you and will not be disclosed , in whole or in part to any other person , except that the Information or portions thereof may be disclosed to those of your directors , officers , employees , agents , auditors , lawyers , bankers and professional advisers ( collectively ‘ Representatives ’ ) who need to know such information for the purpose of evaluating the prospective acquisition ( it being understood that those Representatives will be informed of the confidential nature of the Information and shall agree to be bound by this Agreement and , if requested by ourselves , will enter into a direct agreement with us on the same terms as this Agreement ) .
8 There were definite signs of something in the wind and when I saw who we were drawn with for the first rounds — Nick Price and Ray Floyd — both Nick and I were delighted .
9 At the root of the problem , according to one European civil servant , was the fact that : " The poor countries wanted a lot of money with no strings attached , while the rich ones wanted to give a little money with lots of strings . "
10 The fact that he also made a little money for himself in the process was considered only reasonable by the majority of fans .
11 This was not the rich pap of the commercial world and there was little money in it for the artists .
12 Women enter into a form of covert contract with themselves to be their own bosses , judges and reward-givers .
13 We took little William with us into the garden .
14 The extent to which the nature of police action and police dispositions of domestic violence is influenced by policing priorities , organisation , training , understanding of civil and criminal law and private conceptions of what in this situation constitutes violence , are all features of central importance .
15 The anchor handling vessel Monika Viking succeeded in getting a tow line on board the accommodation platform yesterday as weather eased after the airlift of 400 non-essential personnel from it on Sunday .
16 It 's not a pleasant experience for anyone to be pelted with stones by children .
17 How the hell can our national flag be labelled ‘ excessive ’ when almost every High Street in the land is scarred by garish signs for everything from Indian restaurants to American burger joints ?
18 Local and regional governments are , potentially , heavy spenders of public funds and complete freedom for them to institute and carry out their own expenditure programmes has come to be regarded in some quarters as subversive of a sufficiently refined power of control over public expenditure overall by central government .
19 Any kind of overt optical distortion can only be an occasional isolated effect for a clearly marked purpose , such as rendering the subjective experience of someone under stress or drunk or dreaming .
20 At the same time as coping with their own emotional burdens , they may need to give practical , financial and emotional support to someone with mental disorder and puzzle out how best to manage the bizarre manifestations of that disorder .
21 Their data showed that the larger the coalition , the greater was the fitness of each male within it despite the fact that he had more companions with whom he had to share paternity .
22 Well it , it shows come on I 'm gon na hit the brake , he 's got a chuffing accelerator pedal , a clutch and a bloody brake pedal there and he 's banging like this and it 's brake 's not working prop it 's , it 's funny , but there was a bloody tent there as well er where the Charlie Sheen is like an indian , and he 's in this tent and this bloke calls to thingybob and he presses this bloody doorbell on it on this tent , it 's funny , I tell you it is funny when you wa er when you actually watch it .
23 It is the duty of the judge to consider each case before him in the light of existing law and established principles .
24 The passages from Mank Ali and Ata'i concerning Abdulfettah do suggest , however , that there may well have been some connection between the pairs of concepts and that there is some basis for assuming that the " interior " referred to is the three cities of Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa ( and environs ) and the " exterior " the rest of the empire or at least that part of it in which the learned hierarchy operated .
25 Since this last point can also be made about some of the ‘ billiard-ball ’ , ‘ cobweb ’ , and ‘ layer-cake ’ approaches now current , for instance where the demands of ‘ capitalist accumulation ’ are taken to be impersonal and determining , it is fair to describe the mainstream story as one from outside .
26 Speakers of languages like Japanese , Hungarian and Spanish , which do not have weak syllables to anything like the same extent as English does , may well find such exercises of some value ( as long as they are not overdone to the point where learners feel they have to speak English as though they were reciting verse ) .
27 President Yang Shangkun , as the new First Vice-Chairman of the CMC , emphasized the party 's leadership over the Army and political building within it by education in the Four Cardinal Principles ( the socialist system , the dictatorship of the proletariat , the leadership of the Communist Party and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought ) and by opposing bourgeois liberalization .
28 Hold that description of him in your mind for a moment .
29 She lathered herself languidly beneath the refreshing jets of water , letting the spray caress every hot , sticky part of her with a glorious wave of sensual awareness .
30 I suspect Age Concern do n't require that but it 's there , and they 're the sole user of it at the moment .
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