Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun sg] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that France had already received the lion 's share of new European component investment over the previous five years was beside the point .
2 She watched his tall figure stride over the marble floor .
3 In our own tests we found that the Grizzled Skipper with 512K RAM fitted showed little speed advantage over a Super VGA card with 1MB RAM which is commonly fitted in many high-end machines .
4 But the cost of conversion often pushed the total outlay way over the property 's market value .
5 Another idea would be the lace anniversary , when you could perhaps arrange some cow parsley over a fabric lace background .
6 Fighting another NME writer over a woman ; having a pint of beer in the Roxy with Robert Plant ; realising that Sid Vicious could be fronted out because he only picked on those that he was likely to win against .
7 The firm emerges as Britain 's top performing company over the last five years .
8 Their resale potential is , however , undermined by their standardized production , and , although they will probably hold their value better than most Indian , Chinese , Pakistani or Balkan items , they are unlikely to develop high investment potential over the longer term .
9 It all leaves an interesting question mark over the area so far as I am concerned .
10 A further question mark over the practices of multiculturalism concerns the actual effects of teaching about ‘ other cultures ’ .
11 With an average of 10,000 tennis playing members in his clubs alone , Lloyd has hit upon the formula which by its very success , is speedily replacing the ‘ traditional ’ tag which had so burdened the British tennis club over the years .
12 Peruvian jet aircraft on April 24 attacked an unarmed US C-130 transport plane over the Pacific ocean , wounding two of the 16 on board ; a third person was sucked out to his death before the damaged plane managed to land at Tara , 1,000 km north of Lima .
13 Run some aquarium sealant over the 6mm uncovered area around the backdrop thickly and evenly .
14 In any event adjustments are required where the cumulative inflation rate over the three years is approaching or exceeds 100 per cent and the operations in the hyper-inflationary economies are material to the group .
15 Some organisations reduce the level of the foreign service premium over the period that the employee spends abroad on the basis that he becomes increasingly accustomed to the life style as time progresses .
16 Two days later the Employment Secretary will join battle in the Social Affairs Council over the 48-hour week and workless Sunday .
17 The company , which has developed its own original style of popular mask theatre over the past decade , can be seen at Darlington Arts Centre on Thursday , followed by Stockton 's Dovecot Arts Centre on Thursday and Friday .
18 THE Beatles are locked in a High Court battle over the rights to the cover of their album Sergeant Pepper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band .
19 THE father of a two-year-old boy suffering from a rare genetic disorder must wait to learn whether he has won his High Court battle over the controversial closure of a London hospital 's bone marrow transplant unit .
20 And the government has lost a high court battle over the poll tax with one of the London charge capped councils ; the Court has upheld Lambeth Council 's decision to set the community charge at £521 rather than the £493 figure sought by the government .
21 He appealed unsuccessfully to the Privy Council , acting on behalf of the Queen , Bristol University 's Visitor , and a High Court judge over the university 's appeal procedures .
22 Today they were given approval to mount a High Court Challenge over the coroner 's conduct .
23 Syria 's co-operation with Western countries during the Gulf War aroused some media speculation over the possibility of a future Israeli-Syrian peace agreement .
24 Because , you know , I 'd never been skiing before , so I went out all togged up , with like , my tights sort of , like , you know , thermal tights and you know , pair of track suits , sort of bottoms , plus plastic overtop and then I had like , sort of thermal top on , plus the that 's a sort of like , T-shirt , plus the polo-neck plus a jumper , plus a sort of like erm , a sort of sheepskin waistcoat and , and jacket and then this plastic thing over the top .
25 To begin with , literacy in general was not , of course , independently invented in Greece , as Goody and Watt recognise : the form of literacy particular to Greece developed from the Semitic writing system over a long period of time .
26 Notable goldsmithing was also practised under the patronage of Celtic chieftains in the La Tene phase of the pre-Roman Iron Age over a territory extending from Switzerland to Ireland .
27 One little boy stood poised with a transparent plastic hose over a bucket , whose sides supported a rod that formed the axle of a paddle wheel .
28 Liverpool University student Christopher Powell plunged more than 100ft to his death from a Scottish road bridge over the Inverness Firth .
29 Parsytec reckons the tests it has done on lower clock frequencies point to a six- to ten-fold performance increase over the T805 .
30 It has been French State policy over the last twelve years to foster its provincial museums , and in particular to increase the number of contemporary art museums outside Paris ( see The Art Newspaper No. 26 , March 1993 , pp. 8–9 ) .
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