Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun sg] [adv] over " in BNC.

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1 He came in and trampling this brake fluid all over the carpet .
2 You 've spilt that old milkshake stuff all over the fridge Michael .
3 A new salvo of microwaves hit him ; he felt a rush of uncomfortable warmth slide all over his body , and he felt his face going red .
4 Stick them with a dampened paint brush all over the top of the cake .
5 There was a good transport system all over Algeria , even in the desert , though beyond the road , lorries replaced coaches .
6 Later , in exile , she defended the festival saying that it brought to Iran purist , traditional art form all over the world .
7 I 'll just inform you lot Shana is going jogging cos she likes jogging , but she puts a black bin liner all over her body so she sweats .
8 I go colour of rump steak , feel like burning cigarette end all over shoulders , thighs , feet .
9 The resulting mixing of the soil , or bioturbation , probably averages about a 5 mm depth annually over the more humid parts of the continents .
10 Then put it into glasses , and lay double tissue paper closely over the top .
11 This overflowed into front page news all over the world , even in papers which do not have a fashion page .
12 So as to remove the uncertainty about erm what in effect is a sort of black box floating around perhaps attached to a hot air balloon somewhere over York .
13 A couple in one corner kiss discreetly over the brandy .
14 I 'm surprised we did n't get swimming actually seeing as we got a fucking swimming pool right over the road from us .
15 Sport , and with the new football season just over a month old , Oxford United Football Club probably feels they 've had enough problems to last them for a lifetime .
16 For Oldham , Holden put a 20 yard free-kick just over the bar but after 81 minutes United sealed the points when a crossfield pass from Hodges saw Rogers fail to connect with Gage 's low-cross but substitute Bryson hammered home .
17 The US , clearly at its wits end , decided to show its concern for repression in Poland by beaming a special TV show all over the world , including Frank Sinatra singing in Polish .
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