Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [modal v] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 When Soviet citizens began to question the merits of nuclear energy , they were questioning one of the most basic assumptions of their system : that communism would lead them into the high-tech future , and that the high-tech future would be greatly better than the present .
2 And if Third World countries defaulted together , the very size of their combined debts could give them massive bargaining power .
3 As strategic proposals emerge , each subsystem will evaluate them against developments in other subsystems , in so far as it perceives them to affect it too .
4 The evidence is that communications from the judiciary to the Home Secretary on this topic are confidential ; and I accept that there is at least a tacit agreement that neither side will disclose them without the consent of the other .
5 The closure would probably have to be done in stages , eg one weekday a week to start with , though that could be worse than total closure because motorists would switch to local roads for one day , but total closure might force them to switch modes altogether .
6 ‘ There are thy dew drops marvellously reformed in the heavens , and the clownish foot will trample them no more . ’
7 But always some clerk would gather them up and shower them back from an upper window .
8 The cost of a funeral or cremation is considerable and many people have the feeling that the dead person should have the very best , but this decision can put them in debt for some time to come .
9 A sudden movement or an abrupt noise will send them skittering back to the safety of the water .
10 Soon after the introduction of GREAs the government recognized a danger that some authorities might use them as targets , with the consequence that some authorities spending below their GREAs might be encouraged to spend more , while those spending far above them might find the task of cutting back to GREA level too difficult .
11 Open all hours , blending left literature , the Beats , the new absurdists , it attracted a clientele whose Scottish consciousness might repel them from London , the ‘ imperial capital ’ , but attract them towards Paris , and New York , free of the effeteness of English culture .
12 Next year another cut will bring them to a mere £182m .
13 When you fill in a tax return you will have to declare all sources of income and the Inland Revenue will ignore them or deduct tax as necessary .
14 Substitute forms must be approved before the Inland Revenue can accept them .
15 This chapter may stimulate them to contribute to the effort of welding together insights from different disciplines , rather than , as the majority of students seem to do , keeping their finance lenses firmly in place when reading finance texts and then changing to sociological lenses when reading sociology .
16 They reckon that dubbing French dialogue on to the kids ' favourite soaps will keep them switched on in class .
17 Interested parties can contact them in New York on 0101 212 967 7711 ext 9226 .
18 Perhaps more important , the Administration is again under pressure from US exporters who fear that the high dollar will drive them out of international markets .
19 They will share a similar life style which to some degree will distinguish them from members of other social strata .
20 However fast and unpredictable the changes to their world , this resourcefulness will help them make the best of it .
21 New-age traveller Jim says that under European law , the new-age travellers are recognised as needing sites and British law should recognise them too .
22 As the granddaughter grew into a young woman , they still ‘ always got on , and she always stuck by me ; ’ When she was told off by her parents for coming home late at night , the old lady would ask them , ‘ Were you never young once ? ’
23 These fish often feed within 20 yards of the beach and the slightest light reflection will spook them .
24 Having said this , I 'm sure some folk would prefer them a bit tighter round the seat and hips .
25 And then the when they were built Sometimes some folk used to build them into what they called a hay soo It was a square kind of a thing but er and I do n't know why they put it into a hays hay soo as we say , but it seemed to er it seemed to be better to keep the h the wet out I suppose .
26 Plastic bags can choke animals and broken bottles can cut them .
27 He and others fear that ‘ safety net ’ losses to be suffered by some areas will cost them key metropolitan councils in next May 's elections .
28 Old acquaintances would cut them dead when they chanced to meet in the Covered Market .
29 They were wary , reticent children , yet this joke would reduce them to screams of helpless laughter .
30 Chairman Barrie Liss said : ‘ Shopkeepers have a duty to help prevent solvent abuse and this initiative will help them do just that .
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