Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [be] put to " in BNC.

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1 Beethoven learnt more from Haydn than from anyone , and all that he had made his own from that study is put to fascinating use here ; but the music is no reversion , and has its own lightness and gaiety .
2 Other public institutions were put to the sword elsewhere .
3 This question was put to a nationwide referendum on July 29 , but a low turnout invalidated the ballot , thus empowering the Országgyülés to elect the President .
4 Not all coffins of this period were put to funerary use .
5 It is time this scandal was put to an end .
6 A proposal concerning this motion was put to the last Annual General Meeting of Convocation , but was not favourably received by the members present .
7 To Richard he offered half the revenues of Aquitaine and control of four castles ; similar proposals were put to Henry and Geoffrey .
8 As it happened I had heard a very similar point being put to a group of Belfast managers from top insurance companies a few days previously .
9 Localised knowledge is put to better use and in the right circumstances it may be less costly to establish area factories/offices than to control everything through Head Office ( eg. costs of transportation and travelling may be less ) .
10 In the Russian Federation , the Ukraine and Uzbekistan additional questions were put to voters , on the initiative of the republican Supreme Soviets and regional councils .
11 Both the controllers and the deviant group construct tacit theories in order to explain each other , and such theories are put to the test in interactions between them but never by both groups together .
12 Occasionally , some bottles from a particularly fine vintage were put to one side .
13 These beliefs were put to the test when United Biscuits was obliged to close one of its main factories in Liverpool .
14 Scargill hoped for a ‘ domino effect ’ , to be promoted if necessary by the type of mass picketing which had been perfected a decade earlier , and the National Executive supported him ; only three members voted for a proposal that the demand for a national strike be put to a national ballot .
15 Not surprisingly , monastic mills were put to a variety of uses .
16 Meanwhile , the two sides continued to trade insults about the value of the savings to be gained from the rival strategies being put to shareholders .
17 The survey did not specify what later use those tights are put to .
18 The actions of the central authorities , in the event , served to rally local opinion still more closely around the nationalist leaderships , and when the issue of full independence was put to the republican populations in the spring of 1991 it received overwhelming endorsement The Lithuanian vote , in February , produced a majority of over 90 per cent on an 84 per cent turnout ; in Latvia and Estonia , in March , there were majorities for independence of 74 and 78 per cent on a similar turnout .
19 This last year those resources were put to the test and not found wanting .
20 More people were put to death in Ireland than died in the French revolutionary Terror of the time .
21 This regulatory code is put to even greater effect when it is used to turn an exchange of missiles between rioters and police into a surreal game of football in which the rules have been deliberately bent to give the ‘ opposing team ’ an unfair advantage !
22 The visitors stayed at Tynemouth , where finishing touches were put to the plan of campaign , one of the main objectives being to beat the notorious Newcastle offside trap .
23 They set off from Wyre Mill to see for themselves the finishing touches being put to the weir nearby .
24 Other shortcomings of the public inquiry system include a presumption , by lawyers , of knowledge in highly specialist areas when in fact they often miss the very point which their technical advisers are putting to them .
25 Much work is being undertaken there , including the renovation of outbuildings to provide accommodation for another 25 followers , and practical skills are put to good use .
26 The Air Force assigned 42–108777 to the Santa Maria Air Base where her two-seat capability was put to good use .
27 Mr McNally : ‘ Is it correct that over the two days Mr Anderson was interviewed not one shred of forensic evidence was put to him ? ’
28 Our first challenge was put to us by Father Peter and Phil , the youth volunteer .
29 This practical idea was put to a local crematorium by Diana Davidson , manager of the Citizens ' Advice Bureau in Chichester .
30 When that matter was put to the Home Office and the Department of the Environment , we were told that it was for the local authority to sort out the matter with the local police force .
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