Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] it had " in BNC.

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1 Because no one could have found that brooch if it had just been a wilderness .
2 Well before 1330 the Angevin Empire had ceased to be the dynamic and significant political force that it had been in the mid and late twelfth century .
3 A mass trial by the Second Martial Law Court of Istanbul of 1,243 alleged militants of the Dev Sol ( " Revolutionary Left " ) group concluded on Nov. 1 , almost nine years and eight months after it had begun .
4 The prosecution alleges that , to justify the shooting , the soldiers said they opened fire on a stolen car after it had struck one of their patrol .
5 He also knew , however , that if , as now seemed inevitable , Germany were defeated , it would be even harder for Spain to survive economic isolation than it had been hereto .
6 It was another Glory and it had been abandoned , half in and half out of a ditch .
7 She added : ‘ Some of this graffiti appeared within 30 minutes after it had been cleaned . ’
8 Joshua , seven , landed the pike following a five minute fight after it had taken a dead dace to 15 lb line .
9 He built out of that illusion a political cause which stirred the British electorate as it had not been stirred for decades and which has left its imprint on the Conservative Party and on British trade policy down to the present .
10 By fortunate chance , often a major factor in war , Hawke , on the afternoon of 16 November , learned from a victualling ship which was returning empty from taking supplies to the blockading force that it had sighted the French fleet the previous day .
11 This borrowed item , no doubt bequeathed by some burly and well-meaning district commissioner , does not possess quite the same significance in this ambience as it had in its original context .
12 It would be a much lesser work if it had swerved towards either extreme .
13 But we were moving in different directions and it had been clear for some while that we stayed together out of habit .
14 And she knew she did , but it was only during this moment that it had happened , in this moment of revelation .
15 The government could claim with some truth that it had forced through changes in managerial behaviour so that concepts like efficiency , cost-effectiveness and productivity were accorded more weight in the organisational culture .
16 But , but , in this cage and it had a little wooden box
17 She had tried separating them to eat in different places but it had not worked as they tried to run around while eating .
18 An appearance by Reagan , Le Monde suggested , might still save the show , even two and a half years after it had started .
19 She stared at it now , hardly able to believe that it was two and a half years since it had been taken .
20 Tit for Tat won in this climate , and Tit for Two Tats would have won in this climate if it had been submitted .
21 So , for thirty years Alfred Glynn had preserved this room as it had been when he still believed that the silk counterpane and the eiderdown would be the covers on his marriage bed .
22 Soviet recognition was extended to the Castro government a few days after it had taken power , but this was not reciprocated , and it appears to have been the Cubans , concerned not to give Washington any pretext for claiming that Communism had arrived in the Caribbean , who were responsible for the fact that for well over a year after the revolution the two countries did not have diplomatic ties .
23 The Collector had sat a good deal in this chair over the past few days and it had come to affect his habits of thought .
24 She 'd lived without carpets for the first few weeks and it had been nearly a year before she 'd been able to ditch her old and undersized curtains .
25 The substance of this report was that , almost 300 years after it had condemned Galileo for saying that the Earth revolved around the Sun , the Roman Catholic Church announced that it was to re-examine his case ‘ with full objectivity ’ .
26 Patients who joined the study between 1981 and 1985 tended to have been treated with ursodeoxycholic acid as it had become widely available at that time and was considered to be the oral bile acid treatment of choice for gall stone dissolution .
27 Asked to make the empty tree so it had less , children again added apples until there were more on the originally empty tree .
28 The job depended upon careful organisation as it had to be come at only a few days ' notice .
29 The grounds of appeal were , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices had exercised their discretion to award costs on the wrong principles as it had not been shown that the local authority had acted in bad faith or unreasonable in the performance of its statutory duties or had acted unreasonably in the conduct of the proceedings before the court ; ( 2 ) there were no circumstances which justified the making of the costs order ; ( 3 ) the justice should have found that there were good reasons for the local authority to be concerned about the father 's ability to care for the children , the local authority was not bound to adopt the view of the guardian ad litem and the local authority had communicated the decision not to oppose the father 's application within a reasonable time on receiving the report of the guardian ad litem ; ( 4 ) the justices had been wrong to assume that the change in the view of the local authority amounted to an admission that the views of the local authority had been wrong all the time .
30 The documentarists were natural allies of the government , well practised in tailoring their own ideas to the demands of their sponsors , and exploring ideas about British character that it had become important to validate in order to distinguish the natives from their foes .
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