Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] [vb mod] you " in BNC.

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1 And then , would you like to work in this area or would you like to go elsewhere ?
2 Have there been any further developments from research into this illness and could you do an update ?
3 Right , now erm would it , would you like me to call you Martin during this discussion or would you like me to keep it to er Mr ?
4 Will you risk my dry Martini or would you rather stick to sherry ? ’
5 It is an awful mess but will you not come and sit by my fire– ’
6 I 'll see this little bit then I 'll go and finish that ironing and would you record er Watchdog for me ?
7 Would you prefer to have another election so that one party could obtain an overall majority or would you prefer some kind of arrangement between the parties so there would not have to be an election for a number of years ?
8 So once you know what it means it helps a little bit and can you think of a word that ends the same as that ?
9 Do you have to go quite far away to see all these things or could you see most of them on Shapinsay ?
10 ‘ You can resign in the complete knowledge that should you ever want to come back there will be a position here for you at any time . ’
11 Can we have a look at the ones underneath , in the orange block and will you do the first one Heather ?
12 just a little shop they were five pound ninety five and I 've been paying seventeen pounds and would you believe they 're made in England ?
13 Will you have to do your own typing or will you be allowed to use the office typists ?
14 really the bottom line or would you do you
15 I HAVE several times told the story of the lady who came up to me at the end of one of my lectures on the relationship between science and music and said , ‘ It 's all very well doing all these scientific tests on musical instruments but can you explain the tingle in the spine that some music produces ? ’
16 Can I , can we ask you to , can I move you forward , forward , that way or would you like to stand up , stand up and come round
17 I want to have a look at , at this first , or the , the other piece or would you like
18 But it 's difficult , who should you look after — your solicitors who are trying to increase or break into criminal work or should you look after the client 's interests by giving him only solicitors who are already tried and tested .
19 thank you for the cheap put-down but would you answer the question ?
20 Do you feed your pet on unnecessarily expensive food or could you buy a cheaper alternative ?
21 Is a loan definitely your best option or should you increase your overdraft ?
22 How have you been justifying your existence in the last twenty-four hours and can you name the guilty man ? ’
23 If the erm Homeworks experiment is successful could we see many more stores turning over to that that format and that that or will you consider converting the whole chain or might you just have a separate chain called Homesworks ?
24 Will you be under huge pressures or will you be winding down a bit by then ?
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