Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For example , needs to account for why if the sentence P and Q is true , then so is the sentence Q and in order to do that it assigns a certain structure , for example as on the handout in my assigned structure and brackets P Q. Erm anyway erm it just has and has a separate particle operating on two distinct sentences that are not ordered syntax needs to account for the well-formedness of the structure , sorry P and Q. The ill-formedness of P Q and the similar grouping of and with or that is in English between sentences and where you can find one and find another but not with , not you do n't say John loves Mary not Peter loves Jill .
2 Indeed , for sole traders and partnerships a disposal of their business will , by its nature , inevitably involve the sale of business assets .
3 During that spring and summer the Australians enjoyed a good deal of help from the locals .
4 In such highly evolved animals as insects the primitive segmentation , in so far as it affects the internal anatomy , has undergone profound modifications ; the segmental repetition of parts is nevertheless retained to some extent in the central nervous system , the heart , tracheal system and in the body musculature .
5 Sigmar and Kurgan swore eternal friendship and Alaric the Mad embarked upon the forging of twelve magic swords as payment for Sigmar 's aid at Zhufbar .
6 Part of this somewhat free accounting was undoubtedly due to much better control : no longer could staff pass off a ‘ do-it-yourself sandwich and pocket the proceeds ; but much of the increase was real and deserved .
7 Red light has the longest wavelength and violet the shortest , with orange , yellow , green and blue in between .
8 Now , the other two subjects I 'm really only dealing because the people responsible are , are not here in the flesh this afternoon but Alyd the provincial advocate and I I think of Bill that 's also gone too , er yes he he has , he has had to leave this afternoon .
9 You know as well as I do that the Wharfmasters are living off the fat of the land on their company profits , but how are the dockers expected to support their wives and kids on seventy-two shillings and sixpence a week ? ’
10 Both St Paul and his elder contemporary , the Jew Philo of Alexandria , saw in sexual perversion and disorder a symptom of idolatry .
11 Many folks go a long way up the Bulger to fix a high runner and top-rope the move , but this is a bit naughty , and it wo n't help you on the upper slab .
12 ‘ They do n't cost British industry or taxpayers a thing , but of course they take all their expertise abroad .
13 In one of the central episodes in the novel , Humberto not only cuckolds his employer , but fathers on his wife the heir whom the oligarch himself has never been able to engender , and it is only subsequently that it becomes clear that what has been narrated as a factual account of events is , in reality , no more than a fantasy in which he simultaneously avenges his social humiliation and effects the incorporation of the humble Peñaloza line into the oligarchy .
14 To a procrastinating president and Congress the solution was clear : set up a national commission to study the problem .
15 In the area of social help and rehabilitation a variety of clubs can also help both the mentally handicapped and the mentally ill to make social contacts and gain the confidence to reintegrate themselves into society .
16 Yet despite remedial chemotherapy and amputation the syndrome continued .
17 In some alleyway or runnel a man hacked to death for stealing ale .
18 STRAIGHT OUT OF BROOKLYN Unfortunately more interesting than 19-year-old Matty Rich 's film — a slice-of-Brooklyn melodrama crusted with symbolism and piety — is the story of how it came to be made : ambitious kid from Brooklyn drops out of film school , blags some equipment and funds a film on the back of radio appeals .
19 It is possible that due to replacement of ageing springs and ropes the organs originally went somewhat slower , but they could not have gone slower by much because the bellows are linked with the barrels ' rotation too slow a pace means that insufficient air circulates for the pipes to speak .
20 The idea is that it could supervise an Iraqi withdrawal or police the Kuwait-Iraq border if Saddam Hussein ordered a pull-out .
21 Obviously stronger in some areas than others the masculinity argument is particularly unconvincing the examination of critical reactions to Bacon is very welcome .
22 The pound sterling maintained a steady value during the Victorian era , and in the then current atmosphere of British security and superiority the possibility of any erosion of the value of the pound was unthinkable .
23 I got into the seat next to him and he quickly drove off , heading out of the village and down the road towards the Orne bridges , leaving a cloud of dust following close behind , no doubt attracting the attention of the German gunners and mortars a short distance away across the fields .
24 When the last tram ran through Glasgow in September 1962 , and two days later , the Burgh of Clydebank ran its last tram , it was like the loss of some favourite place and time a vision of childhood vanishing down the sink in the wash-house .
25 Frustrated ambitions can contribute to wrong expectations and fuel the fire of anger and resentment .
26 That that the matter is not urgent and should be dealt with only at the receipt of a vote from Education Committee , I move A standing order A thirteen E be suspended for this meeting and B the motion and amendment be referred to the Education Committee for report without being debated at this meeting .
27 So for another few weeks or months the question of the unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions is still open .
28 We have already seen that in order to pay for public goods and redistribution the government must raise tax revenues , which typically introduces allocative distortions and leads to a dead-weight burden .
29 Our Department of Food and Farming will offer British farmers and consumers a better deal .
30 Through the late Seventies , black America was noted for cultural solidarity of impressive dimensions a shared drive for rights and representation which powered art and music no less than it did the Civil Rights movement .
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