Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] if they " in BNC.

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1 Other comments ( from other authors ) that you find interesting and that look as if they might be useful can go down in the blank spaces .
2 The term ‘ blindsight ’ was coined by Larry Weiskrantz at Oxford to describe perhaps the best known example of this dissociation , in which patients with damage to the visual areas of the cortex deny being able to see a visual stimulus while behaving in some respects as if they are processing it , for instance by moving their eyes in its direction .
3 When national stations broadcast chiefly in the shortwaves the range of different newscasts available is immediately wider ; when people have every expectation that all broadcasts will tell some lies , they use different broadcasts as if they were radio beacons for navigators of truth : knowing the position of each , they can calculate the co-ordinates of reality with an acceptable degree of certainty .
4 And if you did palm it off as a fact , it would be no excuse that you had done it non-linguistically : for example , by including clips from Sherlock Holmes movies in old newsreels as if they were genuine news items .
5 UNITY Trust , the trade union bank , is preparing to offer its basic banking services to charities , many of which now face being charged by commercial banks as if they were profit-making small businesses .
6 It appeared that they encouraged the men not to live there , but to claim social security as if they were .
7 This enabled him to tell old jokes as if they were new and made him one of the ‘ all time great ’ story tellers .
8 But I , I mean , I I think it 's true to say , that ninety-nine times out of a hundred , if you do approach these so-called yobs as if they 're human beings , they usually react like human beings .
9 We have spoken about old partners as if they will always have had a long life together and that is indeed the case in many of the pairs whom we currently encounter .
10 The outer form and the behaviour of the creature are thus always at one — man does not try to flap his arms and fly , any more than an insect seeks out the sex pheromones of another species as if they were its own .
11 The expression ‘ band width ’ is used to describe links for passing electronic information as if they were pipes through which the information is pumped rather like water being distributed across a national supply network .
12 The proposal by the President of the Commission , Jacques Delors , in Strasbourg on 17 January 1990 that the EC should treat the six East European countries as if they were backward regions of the Community and extend structural support to them brought gasps of disbelief from every government except West Germany 's .
13 For example , Gergen ( 1973 ) argues that social psychologists should treat their contemporary data as if they were historical .
14 Nearly three months have passed … by now a relieving force may be no more than a day 's march away , and yet you 're prepared to mortgage away your future lives as if they did not exist !
15 Others may experience a light-headed sensation as if they have had a few glasses of wine ; a few fall into a deep sleep !
16 I am convinced by recent research findings in America and Britain that social work practice can either foster a sense of permanence or detract from it , and that in the past our treating permanent substitute families as if they were temporary has been a cause of insecurity .
17 The explosion detached the separate wings as if they had been plucked feathers .
18 It would seem many misunderstood the form and responded to the following points as if they were under the heading of organisation .
19 Consolidated statements combine the financial positions and earnings reports of the parent company with those of various subsidiaries into an overall report as if they were a single entity .
20 But this silliness does not derive from what I claimed about what it means to have successful thoughts : it derives from our habit of regarding individual thoughts as if they were like sentences .
21 Michael and Geoffrey walked into the spacious hallway as if they owned the house .
22 Sometimes they met for lunch or a theatre in London , on neutral ground , and both looked forward to these meetings as if they were occasions of almost illicit pleasure .
23 First , most professional anthropologists use these words as if they were technical terms , but there is no general agreement about how this should be done .
24 I never would have credited that people would talk about these illusions as if they 'd really taken place . ’
25 Mr Hurd has talked about these articles as if they were about the imposition of old East European ‘ socialism ’ ( with Chancellor Kohl leading the way ? ) .
26 Glasses in hand , the chattering groups mixed and mingled , broke and re-formed , greeted each other with glad cries as if they had n't seen each other for years , not just that afternoon .
27 She ran , fleeing the demons that pursued her , dragging in great gasps of cold air as if they were her last .
28 The company may still , of course , deal with these assets as if they were not subject to a floating charge .
29 His swinging pack of tools knocked over little children as if they were skittles .
30 She examined little boys as if they were made of much sterner stuff than mere flesh and bone .
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