Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun] when a " in BNC.

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1 Thinking fatigue had got the better of his tired mind , Jack Hayden did not worry unduly until the following Monday morning when a porter who had been working on the station Platform came to the mess room and saw a strange figure looking at Mr Hayden .
2 A. Simple reaction time When a light is switched on ( or a note is sounded ) a button must be pressed as quickly as possible ; the delay in doing this is measured .
3 A cap badge with the Guildford arms was continued in bi-metal form after 1902 with the King 's Crown ; the only radical variation being made after the Second World War when a beret badge of about â…”rd size was introduced .
4 The Head of Department or his or her nominee is responsible for informing the Registry of any limit on the numbers of tutees a particular member of his or her staff should be allocated , and of arrangements to be made for personal tutor responsibilities when a member of staff leaves or is granted leave of absence .
5 The post-war National Insurance arrangements made it an unattractive proposition for married women , typically low-waged , to opt for paying full National Insurance contributions when a much cheaper ‘ married woman 's option ’ was available .
6 In 1955 Shelby raced a works Austin-Healey in the Carrera Panamericana — and came close to assuming the title of the late Carroll Shelby when a huge accident destroyed his car and put him out of circulation for several months .
7 China and the USA narrowly averted a major trade war when a comprehensive trade agreement was signed on Oct. 10 ; if the agreement had not been signed on that day the USA , under Section 301 of the 1988 Omnibus Trade Act , would automatically have imposed punitive tariffs of up to 100 per cent of value on Chinese-made imports currently worth a total of US$3,900 million .
8 I was within half a mile of Darrowby with the lights of the little town beginning to wink between the bare roadside branches when a car approached , went past , then I heard a squeal of brakes as it stopped and began to double back .
9 The latter gave rise to considerable operator problems when a high foam was expected from a detergent .
10 John Dunn , 46 , was giving a driving lesson to 53-year-old Cecilia Byrne when a 50lb bomb exploded underneath their car on the Limerick Road on January 11 1974 , killing them instantly .
11 The excitement of prayer was illustrated unforgettably to me one Saturday morning when a small team met at our Community Church to pray prior to some door to door evangelism .
12 In a well-run company there will be no question of simply rubber-stamping management decisions when a grievance or appeal is pursued .
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