Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 The commemoration ( now annual ) involved the setting up of over fifty camp sites in the Dorset countryside , complete with tents and catering services .
2 And that Spitfire pilot in the photograph in Mrs Wright 's house .
3 A month ago MB Group used up the £164m cash proceeds of its Carnaud merger by purchasing ABS Holdings for $300m ( £194m ) to make it the second largest cheque printer in the US .
4 It called for the development of solar rural electrification programmes in the South , particularly Africa , and for the expansion of solar power in the Middle East , as a means of preventing possible conflict over water resources for hydro-electric power between Israel and her Arab neighbours or Turkey and Iraq .
5 Table 7.1 thus also supports the contention made in the first half hour of this chapter that short-term contract workers in the service sector are mainly " voluntary " temporary workers .
6 Accordingly total expenditure E in the period under consideration was composed entirely of consumers ' expenditure C , and total income Y in the community was identical to this expenditure .
7 This , he believes , is what has made Unisys Corp ‘ the most profitable computer company in the world ’ — since the merger of Univac and Burroughs , it has not only kept headcount low , but also used the profits generated from mainframe sales to develop portable software applications .
8 Collectively these various banking centres make the ECM one of the largest money markets in the world .
9 The serum was stored at -40°C in foil-covered tubes , then transported on dry ice to the Nutritional Biochemistry Laboratory in the Institute of Child Health in London , where the serum retinol content was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography ( Spectraphysics , Hemel Hempstead , UK ) with a 10 cm ODS2 column ( Pharmacia , Milton Keynes , UK ) and an ultraviolet detector ( Phillips , Cambridge , UK ) .
10 ICL is a big company with a big ambition — to become one of the largest computer manufacturers in the world .
11 The annual COMDEX/Fall is the largest computer show in the world .
12 Hewlett-Packard Co is likely to steal DEC 's thunder and whisk away its number two position as the second largest computer vendor in the US by 1994 , Hembricht & Quist analyst Robert Herwick says .
13 First , Social Services and GPs were not approached because of their low response rates in the first survey .
14 The Loch Lang pollen record and its clear indications of mixed birch-hazel-oak-alder woodlands in the early and mid-post-glacial suggest that these southern-atlantic cryptogams may indeed be relicts from the period of more extensive woodland cover in the mid-post-glacial and these shade-demanding species have survived locally in ravines , gullies , and sheltered block litters on the Uists .
15 Subject : Just after joining the greatest mailing list in the world …
16 Thanks to I have become the first DECcie to join the greatest mailing list in the world ; - ) .
17 Subject : Greatest mailing list in the world & c
18 LVMH is the largest champagne company in the world with consumption of Moët et Chandon being more than double that of its nearest competitor .
19 It will be the fourth largest pharmacy chain in the UK with 153 outlets .
20 Although some other stick makers were bigger , this was to become the longest surviving stick manufacturer in the Stroud area .
21 RIGHT : Churchs Mill at Woodchester , one of the few surviving stick manufacturers in the county .
22 The Yorkshire outfit have been producing some good results in their own division , and have lost only one of their eight league games so far , but we saw the big gulf in scoring power between some of the first and lower division clubs in the county competitions and York look to be facing something of a Mission Impossible .
23 Then I remembered — the word ‘ tawdry ’ comes from ‘ St Audrey ’ , whose English feast and fair was notorious for vulgar souvenir stalls in the Middle Ages .
24 Burton 's History of Leicestershire ( 1622 ) noted that Foston had some of the finest sheep pastures in the county and that the village community consisted only of the squire , the parson and three or four labouring families .
25 It was not without its problems — co-operation between the individual producers was not always as effective as it might have been and it lacked a satisfactory system of ensuring that the quality of productions was kept uniformly high — but it was an influential scheme , and the bias towards the tape-slide medium amongst audio-visual teaching aids in the UK remains to this day .
26 Standard Life , Norwich Union and Friends Provident forged ‘ tied ’ links with , respectively , the Halifax , Leeds Permanent and Abbey National , three of the largest building societies in the country .
27 Apart from the facilities available in individual departments , excellent support for postgraduate study is provided by the Library — one of the largest University libraries in the UK — and in computing by the largest campus network in Britain .
28 Edinburgh University Library is one of the largest university libraries in the UK .
29 An additional internal Chow test conducted by splitting the sample at 1982 Q4 ( coinciding with the end of monetary base control in the US ) and running separate regressions over the two halves of the sample failed to reveal any sign of a structural break .
30 That mailing thing in the United States .
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