Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] by [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The relationship between a response and its consequences , or the association between a conditioned stimulus and a conditioned response learned by watching others is described as vicarious conditioning .
2 We strongly support the aim of ensuring the best use of the total aggregates resource by minimising wastage and avoiding the use of higher quality materials where lower grade ones would suffice ( MPG6 , paragraph 27 ) .
3 We strongly support the aim of ensuring the best use of the total aggregates resource by minimising wastage and avoiding the use of higher quality materials where lower grade ones would suffice ( MPG6 , paragraph 27 ) .
4 If yes are you willing to help ? c ) Start a small ads page in the newsletter and charge ? d ) Lower printing costs by having a smaller newsletter ? e ) Get more commercial advertising ?
5 LIFFE scored here by exploiting the first-mover advantage achieved by introducing the contract two years ahead of the DTB .
6 The Croatian authorities responded by sending in some 200 heavily armed Croatian riot police , and rejected claims that six people had been killed in the ensuing fighting .
7 In the sciences it is a commonplace , not at first sight disturbing , that physics began by simulating Euclid 's demonstrations in geometry , and that the inverse square law of gravitation became the model for another in electro-magnetism , that ‘ waves ’ of sound or light are suggested by waves on water , and the genetic ‘ code ’ by language .
8 Meanwhile , the Swedes claim to have discovered a cure for the sore eyes caused by staring at a screen all day which does n't involve putting any kind of filter or screen over the monitor .
9 Sever each side shoot by pulling away , or cutting if necessary , so that a heel is left attached .
10 The very existence of coalition meant a struggle for the survival of party , a struggle that the Liberals lost , that Labour won by keeping clear , and that Unionism almost lost too .
11 This does , however , reduce the thickness of the finished runner by the thickness of the saw cut ( or cuts ) , a possible disadvantage overcome by using the gap-filling potential or epoxy resin mixed with a filler .
12 The only difference between the two species is that splurge-weed reproduces by hiving off chunks of itself consisting of indeterminate numbers of cells , while bottle-wrack reproduces by hiving off chunks of itself always consisting of single cells .
13 Davis has noted the unease as late as the mid-1820s of some members of the committee of the Anti-Slavery Society over Cropper 's desire to see public meetings addressed by travelling agents because of the association of such methods with other , divisive reform causes .
14 The findings were , essentially , that those rats or students receiving the uncontrollable unpleasant experience began by making determined efforts to stop or escape it , but after a lack of success , eventually became passive and helpless .
15 Some shadespit came by lookin' for Zam .
16 You can make a quick estimate of your project 's direct build costs by using these examples .
17 This makes excellent sense when one recognises that the UN 's operations are actually helping to save further defence costs by preventing escalation into wider wars and by providing a form of collective burden sharing for peace-keeping purposes .
18 This meditation works by recalling the isolated moments of the Passion story familiar in other meditations and in the liturgy — the agony in the garden , the scourging , the crowning with thorns , the Crucifixion itself — but using the resources of rhetoric to embody a sense of the joyful reality behind the story which such meditation is designed to enable .
19 Poor old Beatrice began by wanting to show how self-denying and supportive Ellen Ash was and she messed around looking up every recipe for gooseberry jam and every jaunt to Broadstairs for twenty-five years , can you believe it , and woke up to find that no one wanted self-denial and dedication any more , they wanted proof that Ellen was raging with rebellion and pain and untapped talent .
20 You can remove your name from direct mailing lists by writing to the Mailing Preference Service , Freepost 22 , London W1E 7EZ .
21 Current research work is focused around six major themes , within which researchers carry out specific projects either with ‘ core ’ ESRC resources or as shorter-term projects funded by housing agencies .
22 The initial loss of this response produced by presenting the stimulus repeatedly alone will occur both because of habituation and because of a decline in the value of α , each of these changes influencing one of the reflexes that contributes to the observed behaviour .
23 The magnetic induction exerts a torque on the suspended coil according to equations ( 4.8 ) and ( 4.9 ) which rotates it until there is a balancing restoring torque provided by controlling springs .
24 The Confederation of British Industry responded by setting up its own task force , made up of leading industrialists .
25 Observe the completely different effect produced by replacing the adjectives in ( 1 ) by the corresponding adverbs , as in : ( 28 ) Ellen shook the keys loosely muzak drives them madly And contrast the two sentences of ( 29 ) ( b ) : ( 29 ) ( a ) what did the new system do to the motors ? ( b ) the new system made the motors quieter the new system made the motors more quietly 5.4 Let us now return to the matter of the resultative nuance which can indeed be observed in all the examples we have given , reproducing the structural diagrams ( 21 ) and ( 22 ) to do so : ( 21 ) ( 22 ) If these diagrams represent the relations actually used in constructing such expressions , it follows that the entity of the noun phrase , as initially present to the mind of the speaker ( and to that of the listener in the final interpretative phase of comprehension ) lacks the property of the adjective since it is structurally separated from it ; however , since that property is expressed by an adjective , then ex hypothesi it will apply to the entity of the noun phrase when the construction is taken as a whole ; if not , then either the property would be expressed by an adverb , and apply to the verb , or the whole construction would be literally incoherent .
26 This chapter commences by putting sales and market forecasting into the wider context of the role and purpose of forecasting within the business enterprise .
27 PPB and ZBB are largely ignored in the UK and , as a prelude to part of the discussion in chapter 7 , this chapter concludes by outlining the strategy adopted by central government since the mid-1960s .
28 Because this approach appears to generate some undesirable side-effects , this chapter concludes by arguing that closer attention should be given to more direct ways of influencing migration patterns .
29 This chapter concludes by examining the ways in which the notions of , maturity and masculinity which had Sustained professional links between English and Englishness were challenged from a range of pluralist , marxist , feminist , and other cultural perspectives during the 1970s , which , in the context of a counter assault from the new right , culminated in the symbolic " Cambridge Crisis " of 1981 .
30 This chapter starts by looking at the issue of control and discipline , and the related skills of questioning and reflection .
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