Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps we had best ask ourselves why our political institutions function as they do .
2 Eight institutions replied that they were no longer engaged in teacher education , others that there was no time , or no member of staff available to complete the questionnaire .
3 Secondly , on the issue of the precedents for making a defendant prove his defence in the way in which the Bill requires , I argue that every year — certainly since I have been in the House — we have created numerous new offences which have defences attached to them , usually for those who can show that they acted reasonably or that they used due diligence to ensure that they avoided committing an offence .
4 The Iranian authorities countered that they had repeatedly asked the Turkish government to present evidence for such claims .
5 Well I told you that Fenwicks had and they were cheaper than
6 Watch your fish carefully at feeding times to ensure that they are all behaving well and that all the fish are obtaining some food .
7 Write to your MP and to the European Parliament to insist that they act to stop the destruction of the rainforests .
8 In mid-July the Croatian authorities announced that they did not have the resources to cope with any more refugees unless substantial help from abroad was forthcoming .
9 There 's also this thing which is called agricultural fundamentalism right and the most developing c , most developed countries , most of the population live in urban areas and the they see erm er rural areas as being sort of the backbone of society , sort of the salt of the earth type of element in society that although they do n't participate in themselves would like to maintain right and so even consumers may well be would not want see erm agriculture obliterated from er , from their country right because they like the products that erm that agriculture produces and they think that you can of erm destroying of the agricultural industry would , would pose an unacceptable burden on the fabric of rural society and as a result are quite happy to see protectionism er fo , for that industry .
10 She could have been anywhere between twenty-five and forty , but Jezrael did n't care that her boss was n't wearing plastiface or that her hazel eyes looked like they might brim with mirth .
11 One , to protect the members ' you know , interests in each department to see that they got the , a , a time limit you know , to go onto the scheme , that the consultation took place .
12 The council may also approach a couple of neighbours each side to see if they have any legitimate objections to your proposals .
13 The Israeli delegation claimed that they had been assured by Egypt that members of the PNC , which it claimed was directly related to and controlled by the PLO , would not be present in the negotiating room .
14 Some people of normal weight feel that they are grossly overweight , and must diet to obtain a " normal body shape " .
15 It is a law of nature that metabolic requirements for all largish animals decrease as they grow larger .
16 On May 3 all seven registered political parties decided that they would not participate in the proposed assembly , in view of the Military Council 's determination to continue the suspension of political activity .
17 That still meant she had fifty-six metric minutes to wait until they scrutinized her ticket-chip .
18 Some acupuncturists find that they can not treat patients who have had long courses of antibiotic therapy until several months after this treatment has finished .
19 The Conservatives want to see this link restored as they believe the present situation leads to extravagant and irresponsible local spending .
20 further investigations disclosed that they were in fact glued on with a resinous adhesive which appeared transparent to the X-rays .
21 How far that can be mitigated by more sensitive evaluation of the distinctive contribution individual old people may have still to make , should be one of the questions for all workers in this field to address as they go about their daily work .
22 Etching times in HF vapour depend on the nature of the rock : feldspars , for example , require about 30 minutes etch before they are to be stained .
23 Urban alienation is seen as a risk to the State and some projects succeed because they are sold on this fear that no response could endanger the State 's stability .
24 Social activities Provided that they do not stop you going to bed at the proper time , social activities are a very good way of adjusting to the new time zone , particularly if they enable you to spend time out-of-doors in natural daylight at the times recommended in Table 11.2 .
25 The daily meals have all been specially worked out by trained nutritionists to ensure that they provide all the nutrients essential to a balanced diet .
26 Most raw beginners think that they have adequately solved this problem if they quote R .
27 social phenomena exist because they have some positive function to perform in society ;
28 Second , the concern of pluralists to explain the making of public policies means that they emphasise inputs into the political system to the detriment of a serious consideration of public-policy outputs .
29 The German authorities announced that they would request his extradition in connection with his alleged collaboration with international terrorists and in particular the 1983 bombing of the French consulate in Berlin [ see p. 33039 ] .
30 The German authorities denied that they promised any of payments or leniency towards the two Hamadei brothers held in a German prison [ see pp. 38455 ; 38695 ] .
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