Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 Two broad groups seem to emerge from the known evidence ( fig. 8 ) , each with a different level of impact on the defended area itself and on the extra-mural suburbs .
2 He was aware of only one pay-out to a salmon farm , and he was not sure if that money had come from the emergency fund .
3 The one at lowest energy shows a progression in an increased O-O stretching frequency , showing that ionization has occurred from an anti-bonding orbital .
4 The results showed that capercaillie had vanished from 12 of the 56 forests which had held them for 20 years , and numbers had declined in nearly all the other forests .
5 Since his election Dr. Kumar has had regular battles with Mr Bates , who since his narrow defeat has moved from Gateshead to Marton .
6 He knew that the ditch would be dank with nettles and sour with rotting rubbish , the trees wounded by vandals , the trunks carved with initials , the low branches hanging torn from the boughs .
7 ‘ Bill says the Lorrimores ’ private car got detached from the train on Sunday evening .
8 Peggy Mitchell , seated at the rear of the Variety Tent , sighed in sympathy as , one after another , the right card failed to appear from or disappear into the deck .
9 If a possible action does emerge from the evidence available an attempt will be made to put a monetary valuation on the injuries suffered by the plaintiff .
10 Ultimately one admires its naturalness , its ability simply to relay the balance and range that Rattle has fashioned from the podium ( or so it seems ) , but it takes a little while .
11 There is no sign whatever that Labour has learnt from errors of the past .
12 Yeah so which which acid is that chlorine going to come from ?
13 In that instance , the insurer was legally liable for the loss ; Equity & Law repaid Minett the £172,000 plus the £46,500 that Wright had tricked from her .
14 As a result a further five political parties decided to withdraw from legislative elections scheduled for Jan. 26 , bringing the number of parties boycotting the elections to 21 .
15 An important influence over this change has come from the US , where shareholders have stepped up the pressure to conform to good community practice .
16 On July 1 the South Korean Foreign Ministry had departed from its previous position by announcing that it was willing to discuss nuclear non-proliferation with the North .
17 In 1949 two German states had emerged from the territory of the old Reich .
18 If this thread had come from them , it could have happened in two ways .
19 Indeed , a few authorities have retreated from corporate structures-management teams have been disbanded and some chief executives dismissed .
20 The Scottish accent seemed to come from the other side of the crowd .
21 I 'm not quite sure when the official handing in date for this essay is , because of the fact that some essays have overrun from last term .
22 Interchange by the Euston-King 's Cross link will complement the through international train services that British Rail plans to run from the north-west and the west midlands to Paris and Brussels .
23 The precise form this differentiation takes varies from community to community ; for example it is likely to be manifested differently in pre- and post-industrial societies and to vary in accordance with culturally determined roles assigned by societies ( see Coates 1986 for a general discussion of the issues ) .
24 ‘ It 's an awful thing to say , but the revenue to pull us out of this recession has to come from somewhere , ’ she said .
25 ‘ It 's an awful thing to say , but the revenue to pull us out of this recession has to come from somewhere , ’ she said .
26 Other teams in the 1993 contest had come from breweries including Whitbread , Fuller 's , Young 's and Courage and the event was held at Park Royal .
27 In apparent agreement with this idea , some subjects appeared to benefit from continual advances of their sleep/wake rhythm ( as though they were continually flying eastward ) or by being woken temporarily at about four o'clock in the morning to receive a burst of bright light for about an hour .
28 Some schools had benefited from government funds allocated to implementing the national curriculum , with one reporting a grant of £20,000 over three years .
29 The Labour share of the popular vote had fallen from 50.4 per cent in 1945 to 49.2 per cent , but the party had lost nearly 100 seats .
30 This chapter has examined from a comparative standpoint a number of important characteristics of trade unions , mainly in relation to industrialised , market-type economies .
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