Example sentences of "[adj] [modal v] [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 When the content of the advertisement has been confirmed and the advertisement initialled , MAS should carry out the last three steps shown for ‘ Placing a Business Opportunity advertisement by KPMG on behalf of a client ’ outlined below .
2 Geographically , this may bring in the concept of relative location , for instance , the distance in travel time between the corporate headquarters and a branch factory .
3 Those who relish the challenge of something different should seek out the striking Egyptian star ( Pentas lanceolata ) or its temperamental relative , flame of the woods ( Ixora coccinea ) .
4 In theory this should sort out the wheat from the chaff but the definition of wheat in the intelligence world is so wide that even with the best filter the net volume of material is of such staggering proportions that it is beyond any useful human assessment .
5 This could speed up the introduction of HDTV in America .
6 And this used to squeeze out the
7 but this would open up the possibility of governments manipulating the voucher system to encourage some courses and discourage others .
8 The possibility of amendment was rejected by EC Foreign Ministers on April 6 , as this would open up the prospect of other countries also trying to renegotiate the terms of the Treaty .
9 This would cut out the ‘ cowboy ’ operators who will lose their licences if caught dumping illegally .
10 This would drive up the price of securities and drive down the rate of interest .
11 To insist on this would cancel out the mature , trustful , open and continually self-reviewing benefit of a good management team .
12 This will load up the main menu , as created by 3DMenu .
13 This will bring out the most attractive reddish colour of the plant .
14 Where goldfish are kept in the latter system , lighting is best provided by a combination of Grolux and warm white tubes as this will bring out the colours of the fish .
15 They hope this will clear up the problem here and elsewhere , for good .
16 This will set up the structure of a relation called EMPLOYEE which has three attributes .
17 If the process is running , this will set up the required logical names and symbols , and the user then only has to type the symbol , specified by USERACCESSLOGICAL , to be connected to the process ( see Section 2.4 , LIFESPAN Configuration File ) .
18 This will drive up the price of securities and hence will drive down their current market rate of interest .
19 This will drive down the price and hence drive up the rate of rediscount ( r ) .
20 The problem with this is that although all that shows in column C is a time , the cell really contains the whole date serial number and this will mess up the arithmetic discussed later ( see Step 8 ) to calculate duration .
21 Usually this will cut out the internal mike when plugged in .
22 This will take over the running of Channel 4 at the beginning of 1993 .
23 If you 're not doing it like that and you 're in a conversation or atmosphere in the room , when I find it , this little gadget is wonderful , this will pick up for a long way , this will pick up the dogs next door , if there was no other noise in this room .
24 Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh that 'll sort out the I 'd like someone to say , I 'd like to have one or two that nobody gets .
25 That 'll shake out the cobwebs , ’ Nora said , drawing in great lungsful of the breeze , until she shivered .
26 That 'll warm up the old bones . ’
27 That 'll get down the back of your throat , that 'll choke you .
28 Thirdly , the Maastricht summit of December 1991 will bring about the most significant changes in European development since the foundation of the European Community .
29 Shannon lay back against the pillows , squeezing her eyes tight shut , as though that could block out the awful truth .
30 As I 've said to you the the old bastinal used to hang on the toilet wall outside was a whole row of them you know these these big galvanized bath things that were brought in on maybe on a Friday night .
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