Example sentences of "[adj] [be] to [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 " Even if this were to be a case of maternal transmission , it would have no significance for public health " .
2 If this were to be the case then no deficiency " at all would be noticed in the behaviour of the funnel .
3 If this were to be the position when goods perish after the risk has passed to the buyer , it would be a contradiction in terms .
4 fellow interviewers if this is to be a panel or sequential interview ;
5 The way to do this is to be a worshipper at home .
6 This is to be a longer and harder fight than any of them have ever witnessed at Sinatra 's or the Rainbow or any one of dozens of warehouses and car parks .
7 If this is to be a spinnaker leg , hold onto the hoist until you are sure that no-one is going to luff you , but be ready for a quick hoist .
8 This is to be a ‘ home made ’ macro and therefore the results will be not nearly as sophisticated as the dialog box produced by WORDCNT .
9 It is not too early to begin thinking about it now , particularly if this is to be a Royal occasion .
10 This is to be a mainly fund-raising event , with stalls and other money making items ; there will also be two open classes and displays .
11 Though its accounts of individual poems are as searching as anything in Davie 's earlier books ( we owe Carcanet a debt : this is to be the first in a uniform edition of Davie 's work ) , Under Briggflatts is also a mordant and compelling history of the social climates to which these poems were a response .
12 This is to be the party 's platform for the elections to republican and local soviets early next year .
13 This is to be the party 's platform for the elections to republican and local soviets early next year .
14 They do n't know at the time , but this is to be the biggest event of the unusually hot British summer .
15 The client gets help for day-to-day problems , but the price he pays for this is to be the landlord 's follower , to do his bidding and accept his view of the world .
16 If this is to be the structure , it is good to go with it from the outset : once groups are established and running , you may find it difficult for group members to ‘ own ’ such a threatening idea !
17 This is to be the new club shop where we hope to sell T-shirts , calendars and fluffy bookmarks in the club 's colours .
18 Clause 7 of Precedent 1 expressly specifies that this is to be the case .
19 In the slow introduction Tennstedt made it clear that this was to be a reading of high , dramatic contrasts , and that led to an account of the Vivace which with its sprung rhythms kept relaxing into pastoral moments without loss of pace or power .
20 This was to be a body of experts — drawn from within the Ministry , HMI , the universities , and the schools — to advise the Minister , the examining bodies , and others concerned with curriculum change .
21 This was to be a real family Christmas , and Tina was hard at work in the kitchen with Hilda van Meer .
22 This was to be a problem which plagued the Soviet government throughout the 1920s and even today remains a problem of the first magnitude .
23 But this was to be a market that was not wholly free or spontaneous .
24 Their agreement was that this was to be a pre-supper drink with Colin and Yvonne , the limit both of time and alcohol consumption clearly understood between her and Norman before they left home .
25 But this was to be a very different story and one unsuited to the ears of children .
26 Some of them added that they thought the TBC paid too little attention to the speeches of politicians : this was to be a frequent complaint .
27 This was to be a common reaction to Selina as her career gathered pace .
28 This was to be a tip-and-run raid , penetrating only a short distance into the country .
29 This was to be a form of the sociology of knowledge that had off-loaded the epistemological baggage by operating within epistemologically established categories .
30 This was to be a singing lesson , and she wrote the words of a hymn , in print of course , on a blackboard .
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