Example sentences of "[adj] [be] [noun] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now what happens when you go to the station on a Sunday to park your car and find all the spaces are taken up by a car boot , er the whole think is a nonsense and er frankly somebody should tell British Rail so er I wonder if this is Chairman a shot across the bows of er rail privat privatisation and if it is I welcome it .
2 Without any precise calculations let us assume this is £8 a week .
3 With this is mind the Committee voted in favour ( 7:6 ) for the draft rules which classed all members other than Juniors as having full bondholding voting rights and responsibilities .
4 This is Ron the Museum organizer
5 This is Max the Rottweiller .
6 The cost for a male non-smoker aged 30 is £17.95 a month .
7 Nash , a scrupulous and sensitive antiquarian , tells us what happened next : ‘ The body , I believe , is perfect , as it has never been opened : we thought it indelicate and indecent to uncover it ; but observing the left hand to lie at a small distance from the body , we took off the cerecloth , and found the hand and nails perfect , but of a brownish colour : the cerecloth consisted of many folds of coarse linen , dipped in wax , tar , and perhaps some gums : over this was wrapt a sheet of lead fitted exactly close to the body . ’
8 This was information the Palestinians sought in vain from the State Department during Mr Bush 's presidency .
9 Then I remember the shout of ‘ Billy Roles ’ place is going up now'' — this was Roles the Builders whose yard was opposite the laundry .
10 This was Max the Rottweiller .
11 The rate from 7th April 1991 is £44.50 a week .
12 Verse 2 Tha 's bin a courtin' Mary Jane etc .
13 Most prominent was Captain the Earl Jellicoe , son of the First World War admiral .
14 These are things the Elton project is also working towards .
15 Teaching skills not only benefit the students nurses will be involved in teaching ; these are skills the nurses will need if they take senior nursing posts , while patient care is also improved .
16 What all the " finishing " processes had in common , apart from a degree of exertion greater than was needed for hand-setting but not necessarily greater than could be expected from a normal young woman , was that these were tasks an apprentice learned only towards the end of his time .
17 While the maximum that can be saved by an individual aged over 16 is £20 a month , more than one SAYE account can be held by the saver — provided they are held with the same institution and are opened at least one month apart .
18 Windows 3.1 is £99 a copy , OS/2 2.0 is £157 , but IBM is doing a promotion price of £90 .
19 Notable are Holbein the Elder 's design for an altar in Augsburg Cathedral , figure studies attributed to Huber , Graf , Elsheimer , and Durer , and assorted Netherlandish works culminating in Rubens 's ‘ Rest on the Flight into Egypt ’ and nine Rembrandt pen and inks .
20 Neither is money an issue .
21 the second , I must get that ten pence off there , that 's June 's , that 's not bad and that one 's July but that 's March the second I should have remembered that today .
22 That 's Tommy the Turfman , ’ Mrs Knelle told me .
23 That 's £2,500 a year .
24 That 's Raimundo the peticero , master of the horse , ’ said Luke , with a slight edge to his voice .
25 That 's £182 a week to spend as you wish .
26 They will spend more than £40 a week on oil — that 's £2,000 a year — but you could spend £3,000 on a modern filter system and that will be paid back in 18 months . ’
27 That 's £1 a word , ’ said the clerk .
28 That 's score a goal against the Republic in the present World Cup .
29 The mayor , councillor Ray Turner says : ’ When the king , that 's Charles the second , was proclaimed King in Scotland , he made his way south trying to raise an army and he was turned away from everywhere until he came to Worcester and the mayor there proclaimed him king of England and in recognition the king knighted the mayor and he rode with the king around the city to raise an army . ’
30 That 's the next craftsman 's evening , that 's John the potter and tiler and he 'll be very very good .
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