Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] they 've [be] " in BNC.

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1 Either that or they 've been proved well
2 Some of Britain 's rivers are now cleaner than they 've been for years .
3 Yeah , just as a , as a side issue , I am interested that they 've been growing plum tomatoes because each year I hear of more and more people growing plum tomatoes successfully in this country and while we are just on the subject of diseases and things to control them , you may remember that a few weeks ago we were giving advice on how we should dispose of waste garden chemicals and , and we said you ought to pour it down an outside drain .
4 We went to the er B M A or the G M C I 'm not quite sure which and asked if we could could approach er doctors for this and they 've been snapping our hands off ever since .
5 The thing about the Paddies is that some of them can pass as English if they 've been brought up here .
6 Well they 've been very direct and they 've been having to make me think a lot about what I 'm doing .
7 The result is of that is not fortunate that they 've been delayed but that in fact we have as much money to spend on them next year from the capital receipts as we will have spent this year , so in a sense we , we 're not going backwards there either .
8 The team is delighted and they 've been busy celebrating .
9 Because they 're a year younger than I am , two years younger and they 've been registered now for six , seven , eight , or nine years .
10 I 'm getting paranoid about that , determined not to sign anything , worried that maybe I already have when they first brought me here and said it was just a receipt for personal effects or a legal-aid application or whatever , and I worry about them getting me to sign something when I 'm tired and they 've been interviewing me in shifts and all I want to do is go to bed and sleep and they say oh do us all a favour and sign this and you can sleep , come on now ; it 's just a formality you can always deny it later , change your mind , but you ca n't you ca n't of course , they 're lying and you ca n't ; I even worry about signing something in my sleep , or them hypnotising me and getting me to do it that way ; hell , I do n't know what they get up to .
11 and , and if she 's already scared of his temper and they 've not even lived together , well they have lived together for quite a while actually so I mean it 's not like they do n't know each other but once they 're married and they 've been married for a couple of years I reckon , and he starts thinking of her more as a possession sort of thing I can , I can really imagine
12 They got married and they 've been together and apart for , ever since they 've got bloody married
13 Get a divorce they , they 've never been happy at all since they 've been married have they ?
14 Oh if you do n't think they look well then they obviously need it if they look better after they 've been watered , that 's what the paper says .
15 As long as they 've been racing hangliders in Britian Pete Harvey from Milton Keynes has flown as fast and soared as high as the very best …
16 But er interestingly , the Americans have just put er more tax on to their gas for , for different reasons admittedly , and er the environmentalists er always feel happy about that because they 've been the ones who 've been telling us for years that er petrol is if anything underpriced , and that we 're rather profligate in the way that we use it , so er at least some people are happy out of this , not everybody , but it , but er it 's making some people happier .
17 I find it difficult to understand how they are going to carry on experimental work at other depots that are n't really equipped to carry out experimental work , and so for that reason , I mean , there 's a great deal of concern that these cuts are n't rather more cosmetic that they 've been made out to be .
18 The atmosphere with the actual returnees themselves is one of concern and apprehension I guess , because they 're concerned that they 've been involved in this , this crisis and they 're not quite sure what 's happening , and they are er not really being told by everybody , you know , there 's just too many people to make it very clear where they 're all going and when they 're all going .
19 I 'm very happy that they 've been picked up and that they will now be on their way to Chile .
20 Yeah it 's more difficult to keep up with others if they if they 're older and they 've been learning this stuff for a lot longer
21 Does it make them any weaker because they 've been adopted by young women who dislike the feminist label or by the ‘ I 'm not a feminist but ’ brigade ?
22 It 's been like this over a number of issues ever since the children were small , but it 's got worse since they 've been teenagers .
23 But if China really is now backing peace and free elections , the signs are more hopeful than they 've been for a decade .
24 Critics are demanding changes to 2 important pieces of legislation … the Children Act of 1989 and the Criminal Justice Act of 1991 , which forced the police to hand over to social services all offenders under the age of 15 once they 've been arrested and charged .
25 The negotiations have been secret because they 've been … controversial .
26 And those who go into the situation with their eyes wide open because they 've been trained how to handle emergencies with calm and confidence .
27 It has been difficult while they 've been doing their exams , so we 've not been able to get them together as much as I would have liked .
28 That as they 've been made redundant , as they 've been victimized for trade union activity possibly , we then as a union decide that they can not stand for office ?
29 NALGO 's members , who are mostly women , are bitter that they 've been pushed to take industrial action .
30 It 'll be alright cos they 've been sealed in a plastic bag
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