Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] i [vb past] to " in BNC.

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1 I have always counted on my fingers and still do and I had been so nervous about this that I went to classes with the ATC in Darrowby before my call-up , dredging from my schooldays horrific calculations about trains passing each other at different speeds and water running in and out of bath tubs .
2 ‘ I was told he was interested so I wrote to him asking for advice on my career .
3 Unfortunately the op went wrong and I had to be readmitted .
4 And er , and that was , er go and did this before I went to school .
5 I intend to make animal welfare one of my priorities in th United Kingdom presidency , as I made clear when I wrote to hon. Members on 27 February .
6 I missed this when I came to your house , ’ Maggie said quietly .
7 R.B. Yes , another teacher mentioned this when I talked to her and I was saying that it seemed to me that it was a blind spot .
8 I was twenty-five years old when I came to England , and I am forty-five now .
9 It began to prey on my mind so much that I went to the casualty department of Charing Cross Hospital .
10 One day , in one of these tiny streets , with shops on either side and with stalls of street vendors in front of them , the way was so crowded that I got to a place where it was impossible to move .
11 The rest was easy and I got to within a hundred yards .
12 Most slopes are outside but I went to the 30 metre slope at Calshot Activities Centre at Calshot Spit in the Solent .
13 ‘ Never been able to drink instant since I went to America the first time .
14 ‘ You 're cross because I was honest when I spoke to you that night .
15 You chose very well , I used to get really nervous when I came to Chinese restaurants , I never knew what to choose .
16 The boss sounded agitated when I spoke to him over the phone . ’
17 The sea-mail letter arrived this afternoon , and my hands shook so much when I retired to my tent that I could hardly open it …
18 Yeah Carrie went and as she , as she left he patted her on the bum which is , you know , a bit friendly and I said to Jess well look , put it this way , cos she 's really , she flirts a lot
19 The horse was led back to its stable and I walked to the far end of the house , where there was a lawn of coarse-bladed grass , brown with the heat , some exotic-looking flowers in a stony border , and cushioned garden chairs standing bright in the dappled shade of what looked like a cherry tree .
20 And he said well I 'm pretty sure , but he said fifty , fifty and I said to him , well I said you know , you think about it but I 'd already , sort of , made up my mind that I was n't gon na , sort of , next year anyway
21 No , I make that so discreet and I said to them , on your bloody squeak on ours .
22 Everything went on as normal and I tried to be as pleasant as I could and as loving towards Anne as I had always been , but she must have noticed that a part of me was absent : simply somewhere else .
23 I said well I can do everything in the hotel trade from housemaid to housekeeper to barmaid , the only thing I have n't done is managed one but I could do that if I had to and I done , done booking of the reception and I 've done bar , I 've done diner 's room , I 've done kitchen , I 've done
24 so I 've put that away , I , it ai n't even in my account , Alan 's got that and I said to Alan if I pass this test I shall buy a banger , five hundred quid with this tax money and then put the odd to insurance , if I do n't I 'll leave it where it is , because I , I mean little one will want a holiday and that anyway so I 've kept it for that , but that 's what I intend to do , so I said to Alan if I get a little banger just enough to get me to Tettering and back I was gon na go tech , to do some courses
25 That and I said to Geoff what 's D O B ?
26 I of that and I said to him is that the last one ?
27 ‘ In the cold light of day it seems incredible that I toppled to my knees in so abject a manner .
28 Well erm the er th th th the first and most horrific incidence was I think in the May , no no no it was n't May , it was when we went down to s to Cats in London which was at the end of eighty nine beginning of ninety and I went to , I went to the the doctor in June of nineteen ninety and odd things were sort of going through nineteen ninety , but it was n't until nineteen ninety one and I was off ill and it all went
29 Which sounded fine until I got to doing it .
30 I had no idea university politics were so cut-throat until I came to Oxford .
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