Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] i [vb past] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh no , although it was a bit further than I bargained for .
2 I did well , I had hundred pound in me purse last night till Steve says can I have me pocket money and can I have me petrol and can I have this and I paid for coal and I 've got forty .
3 Jo Spence I think it was then I was ill that I understood for the first time what it was to be a victim .
4 I was feeling much happier than I had for two years .
5 Then it began to rain hard and I sheltered for a long time in a barn , but I could n't stay there all night so I just walked and got thoroughly soaked .
6 It was going fine till I tried for a reduction .
7 ‘ I am a rich woman ; he left everything to me , and so he should have done , after all that I sacrificed for him .
8 I bought all that I needed for a laboratory , and sent everything to Scotland .
9 When I stayed with my husband and children at the Holcombe Hotel in Oxfordshire on the Great Escapes scheme this summer I was told I would get free accommodation as long as I stayed for two nights and paid for dinner and breakfast at a cost of £33.20 each per day .
10 ‘ But that 's hardly more than I paid for it ! ’ protested Edward Crumwallis , his voice high with outrage and fear .
11 ‘ Allowing for inflation , it 's very much less than I paid for it . ’
12 take it in the end but erm anyway I got this diploma and er then I was quite annoyed because erm Social Services then erm pu the Welfare for the Blind was dealt with by the Public Health Department and a vacancy occurred in the Public Health Department for erm Blind Welfare Officer , or at least a Welfare Officer for the Blind and I applied for it and erm , they er did n't make an appointment because they did n't er get in other applications but they di they did n't offer me the appointment .
13 ‘ I was too thin when I played for Derry .
14 In burning his New Testament , he wrote , they did ‘ none other than I looked for : no more shall they do if they burn me also , if it be God 's will it shall be so ’ .
15 God seemed remote but I appealed for his protection and received a measure of assurance , though I felt that I was followed by an evil presence .
16 At least , that was the thought I had , but for some reason I must have found it very nice because I stayed for 30 years ! ’
17 A harmless grass snake , I concluded , although I must admit that the proximity of the Reptile Centre did make me a touch more circumspect than usual as I made for the summit .
18 As we moved along I could n't help feeling apprehensive as I looked for newly disturbed ground that could contain a box mine , or glancing at the trees and hedges for signs of booby-traps .
19 Is that beer alright that I bought for you ?
20 Lili and I were silent and I wondered for a moment how I would be feeling if I was going to marry the man I loved — had loved , I amended in my mind , for surely even I could n't be so idiotic as to love still where I had met with such treachery .
21 I would feel bad if I knew for certain that someone was going to cosh me with a lead pipe on January 15 of that year .
22 Would it be alright if I stayed for the rest of the afternoon ?
23 I felt frightened as I waited for the mysterious man .
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