Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] it [vb -s] at " in BNC.

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1 In fact , the Report makes clear that it aims at much more .
2 All this may strike us as very patronising but it reveals at least as much concern about the welfare , and rehabilitation , of prisoners as the incarceration policies of the present day .
3 There 's only one thing that struck me when I was reading through it but a as I say , we we got to look at this from point of view are we going to date this as it lies at the present moment and add to it pieces that we want , or do we start off by having the pieces o i its its now whe w w
4 However , with social feeling about child sexuality running high as it does at present , we may be well advised to keep quiet about it in public ; while , if we ourselves feel guilt as to our own emotions in any such case , a knowledgeable and understanding senior or colleague may be able to help us — otherwise we would be well-advised to hand the case on to someone else .
5 Transmission across the callosum takes time and necessitates crossing at least one synaptic junction , during which the information is said to undergo some degree of transformation such that it arrives at the second hemisphere in a comparatively degraded state ( McKeever and Huling , 1971a ; Gross , 1972 ; Gibson , Dimond and Gazzaniga , 1972 ) .
6 ‘ Vehicular traffic light signal ’ is defined as follows : ‘ Three lights shall be used , one red , one amber and one green … the lamp showing the amber light shall be capable of showing a steady light or a flashing light such that it flashes at a rate of not less than 70 nor more than 90 flashes per minute etc .
7 For example , as we noted , the definition of pragmatics as concerned with encoded aspects of context may be less restrictive than it seems at first sight ; for if in general ( a ) principles of language usage have as corollaries principles of interpretation , and ( b ) principles of language usage are likely in the long run to impinge on grammar ( and some empirical support can be found for both propositions ) , then theories about pragmatic aspects of meaning will be closely related to theories about the grammaticalization of aspects of context .
8 Broadcasting is pre-eminent , at least in the ever-creative medium of radio ; but television borrows from abroad as much as it creates at home .
9 The interpretation of this measure of consistency is not as straightforward as it seems at first sight .
10 The style of the figures is manifestly provincial and need not be so early as it looks at first glance , but it can hardly be after the mid century .
11 But Blackheath administrator Alun Davies said : ‘ The knee is coming on fine but it needs at least another couple of weeks rehabilitation .
12 The debate about using readmission to measure quality of care is obviously much more complex than it seems at first sight .
13 If you feel tired , a short sleep before an important meeting can be beneficial as long as it ends at least one hour before your meeting to make sure that you have woken up fulLy .
14 Movement in depth can not by rhythmic unless it reveals at least three stages : foreground , middleground and background .
15 Once the field-worker was categorized as conforming to their typification of a ‘ good ’ Catholic ( the meaning of which we will outline elsewhere ) , then her religion was no longer as important as it appears at first sight , although the extent to which it had a residual effect is impossible to estimate .
16 Obtaining office copy entries ( as opposed to furnishing merely a copy of the registered title ) is advisable as it reveals at an early stage whether or not there is a second charge which may not have been disclosed to the husband 's solicitors .
17 Set against the background of inflation this rise is less impressive than it looks at first sight .
18 Living as it does at high level , it produces fewer lambs than other breeds .
19 I see well it 's convenient that it comes at the end of a week 's holiday is n't it ?
20 But the horizon no longer has any black skies , and it looks more forgiving than it has at any point until now .
21 But even this is not as extensive as it appears at first sight for , in conducting an investigation on a complaint , the Tribunal must apply ‘ the principles applicable by a court on an application for judicial review ’ .
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