Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] if they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The counsellor made it clear that if they wanted to come back at a later stage , they would be welcome .
2 It was also believed by some that if they went on strike for higher wages they would be victimized by all the companies in the area .
3 It may be we are afraid that if they understood our needs they might use that information in some way to exploit us .
4 Peter Naulls and he , searching for the hole into the mine , had got as suntanned as if they had been on the kind of holiday they never had , on the beaches of Spain or Italy .
5 And the buildings looked as derelict as if they had all been lifted by some force and dropped again .
6 Women seem fearful of becoming too friendly with a single mother ; fearful that if they spend too much time with her , they might just get a taste for something that is denied them .
7 there 's a psychological as aspect in some so much that if they think that a policeman is gon na walk round the corner er , they 're not so keen on doing it .
8 And of course , quotations of APR by individual traders would be very much more valuable if people could set them against a background of what is typical than if they stood alone , in isolation .
9 I 'm not so bothered about the windows so much cos if they break someone 's bound to hear them smash .
10 Because she was tired of looking at flats that were really bedsits , and bedsits that were really cupboards , but cost as much as if they had been flats .
11 The nice people are still there to enjoy the music , although perhaps not as much as if they 'd been allowed to express themselves and some of the nasty people are beginning to appreciate the actual music .
12 It was as simple as if they 'd asked him if he knew a good plumber .
13 Well no not really because erm it , it was a private company as you can understand er , I can I ca n't really explain it everyone seemed to be pulling together you know that was the last thing you thought of , fifth columnists , things like that although it was they used to er , every now and again they used to send government national service officers round to look at the personnel and the structure of the working and if they thought anybody was superfluous to requirements they 'd get the papers soon after to go into the army or the services yeah , yeah , that is true and that happened , used to happen in factories all round the area , it was called the Essential Works Order .
14 We have the stories first usually before you and they 're allowed two stories each and if they have any more then it 's up to you .
15 what the hell are you doing , you give them that and if they say they do n't wish to be on the tape you have to erase their voice .
16 I joining the company something like that and if they did when you do join a department that does it you have a great sense of belonging , because some of the things you 'll do for the training will be allocated to other members round a team , yeah , all this sort of stuff and it becomes very easy , takes a monkey off your back as it were , you do n't have to worry .
17 However , it was obvious that if they wished to attack moored shipping , they had to find suitable boats from which to do so .
18 It was clear to them in 1917 that if they smashed the local power structure , they were at least achieving some short-term practical aims , such as grabbing woods , estates , and livestock .
19 Yo yo you , you been used to working hard and if they say do n't do this
20 Two is enough really but just to be on the safe side use three and if they do n't all lie in the same straight line then one of them 's wrong .
21 Sorry I ca n't really sort of say I must admit I could n't really see why they should be like that really cos I mean it is a bit puzzling cos if they 've only just done anything , they 've only been tampering with this finger so
22 As the new President of the Board of Education , R. A. Butler , put it , in delightful contrast to his officials ' rather ponderous concern , ‘ Children are human and if they run about too much do n't put on weight .
23 If they are offered three piece suites they should be suspicious and if they see any of these things they should report it to us .
24 They 're good these because if they 've got display on them
25 I 'm sure that if they saw you cry , I swear to God if they saw you crying things would be slightly different .
26 British standards for veal production will not , however , be reduced and consumers can be sure that if they buy British veal it will have been humanely produced .
27 Without democracy we would n't be able to say who should rule , with democracy we can we can say these people because we voted for them and that 's it , we ca n't say these people interests we ca n't say that these people act in common good although if they do very badly we 'll try and recall them , all we can say is they 're there we need , what we need is authority structures , we need the structures more than the people occupying the roles , someone 's got to occupy the roles and this is the only way we 've got of appointing them .
28 They want to know that you know it , and they want to feel confident that if they ask you question you can answer it , but they very much want to know what it does for them and how much it 's going to cost them basically .
29 Farmers were confident that if they sold to the Commission there would be no great rush of Germans to buy it , and the Commission could not sell the land to the Poles .
30 Critics also argue that , because statements made under the lobby rules mean that they can not be directly attributed to Mr Ingham , his colleagues or Government Ministers , they are less credible than if they had been made on the record .
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