Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] those they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Counsellors who are younger than those they counsel must similarly allow that the feelings of older people can be based on quite different values and assumptions from their own .
2 And since those countries that have nuclear weapons are not disposed to get rid of them , some testing is needed to make sure that those they keep still work .
3 They feared that their troops might acquire a taste for such butchery and become no better than those they fought against .
4 Those among the contented who own to a social conscience may not fully appreciate that the conditions suffered by the urban underclass can be marginally less unendurable than those they have escaped from ( whether in the American South , Puerto Rico or the shanty towns of the West Indies ) .
5 This means some men transfer from Category ‘ A ’ prisons and find new rules at Maidstone which they believe are petty and restrictive , and facilities which seem less than those they enjoyed elsewhere , in supposedly stricter regimes .
6 The peasants ' allotments were significantly smaller than those they had used before Emancipation ; the ‘ cut-offs ’ withheld by landlords were particularly large in the fertile black-earth regions and were a source of intense and lasting bitterness .
7 Problems were encountered when personnel officials — generally lacking in senior and especially Board status — were being asked to advertise for , interview , help select and then appoint executives to positions considerably higher than those they held themselves .
8 The Australian Aborigines make a clear distinction between the works of art they consider their own and those they claim go back to the time of their creation , popularly referred to as the Dreamtime in all literature about Aborigines .
9 Galleries often also use the summer months to invite artists other than those they represent to show .
10 But people are much more likely — and we should stress that only the lunatic fringe is involved — to believe it necessary that those they perceive as only minimally inferior to themselves should be annihilated .
11 Few are any more attractive than those they have replaced , despite the work of designers and landscape architects .
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