Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] she [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 When she was calmer , she also made it clear that she felt that a stricter approach that forced Balbinder to concentrate and work harder was all that was needed .
2 His wife cares for him at home but this is very demanding and she finds that she needs regular breaks .
3 Susan did not know how she felt about this until she saw that he had painted himself and herself half-way up or half-way down , looking up or down at their reflections in the water .
4 However , he died intestate and she claimed that she was absolutely entitled to the deceased 's house and other property .
5 I asked if it was foreign and she said that it was . ’
6 Slowly she imagined taking one step after another until she reported that she could physically go no further because the slope of the ceiling was so steep .
7 He was still calm but she thought that his face was paler .
8 She had done nothing wrong but she felt that she had .
9 and er actually Joan was quite embarrassed because she heard that you were in a box
10 But there ; she was wrong when she thought that everybody prayed , because Mrs Aggie did n't pray , nor did Ben , nor his Annie .
11 Editor , — Catherine Pope is wrong when she states that the patient 's charter promises patients a maximum outpatient waiting time of 30 minutes .
12 The Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva adds another dimension to this when she says that ‘ reading is complicity in the creative process ’ ( quoted in Brodsky 1987 ) .
13 Born in Middlesex of an Irish doctor , she grew up in a pleasant and comfortable home in Ireland and was 5 years old when she noticed that her hearing was failing , and by the age of 17 , she was almost totally deaf .
14 He wanted her to go , and she felt afraid as she realised that she did not want to go at all .
15 Her own memories were so strong that she feared that she would burst into hysterics before him , and that would never do .
16 He helped her to her feet , anxiously dusting her coat , apologizing , undistressed , so courteous and unconfused that she felt that he had conferred upon her a favour , and to her amazement she heard her own voice answering , with equal , answering ease , assuring him that no , she was not hurt , no , of course it was not his fault , yes , it certainly was the roughest she had ever known it .
17 His expression was stony and she knew that he blamed her .
18 He is incredulous when she says that some people might think better of Jason for confessing his fear .
19 Erm and that 's , of course , why she 's so delighted when she finds that the Rivers are her relations .
20 Fran blushed crimson as she realised that he was staring at her , one corner of his mouth lifted mockingly as though he could read her thoughts .
21 And eaten cheese and that and she says that looks nice , but she wo n't try .
22 One lady positively adored her little Chihuahua , Poco , for 15 years , but the time came when he was persistently ill and she knew that she had to save him from further suffering .
23 In particular , she expected perils out of the flatties — murderous hoodlums , crooked cops , knife-wielding janitors-but she knew that if he stretched his mind a touch , Daine could make anything or anyone in the City into a weapon .
24 Mrs Stevens got the blame for producing these but she claimed that she had merely kept him talking while her son went for the police .
25 She held on and held on , but her arms were getting tired and she knew that she would fall in a minute .
26 Betty began to open her mouth to argue that it was n't well-trained at all until she remembered that it did n't exist , and she had vowed not to get drawn into Lydia 's idiotic fantasies .
27 And she felt , though comfortable in bed , as if she were standing with the rain sluicing all over her , streaming soothing over her breasts and down her thighs , warm and comforting and she hoped that he was not in difficulties on the road and that he was thinking about the rain .
28 She held firm because she knew that the road to compromise was without signposts , that the possibilities for getting lost were manifold and that it was paved with flawed imitations of the truth .
29 And the wife of the congregational minister fared no better when she explained that " owing to falling church membership " , the church no longer paid a living wage .
30 She was beginning to feel quite mournful when she remembered that Meredith was a Catholic and would n't be allowed in the church .
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