Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] they [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Analysis of Merovingian gold coin and early Anglo-Saxon gold artefacts has made it clear that they have a similar composition , the latter accurately following the debasement of the coinage ( Hawkes , Merrick and Metcalf 1966 ) .
2 The Government claimed in 1987-88 that they had a mandate for their legislation .
3 You know there might ha , there might have been three hundred ya , three hundred yards of houses semis and detached and they had a bit of land , but all the back of that , that was theirs !
4 Well after this if they got a big rest did n't it , because I looked at , when we played Norwich and it was March the nineteenth , well given that there was a game the week before , are you listening to me ?
5 However , they will only do this if they have a chance of hitting an adventurer — if a spell such as Zone of Sanctuary is in operation , for instance , the Skeletons will bide their time .
6 At outcrop the sandstones are visibly porous and they provide a good aquifer in the Belfast region .
7 Certainly the style and type of projects in the schools are different and they offer a markedly different approach to user education in schools than was prevalent before the present period of research funding .
8 Compared to the brothel prostitutes , they are dowdy and unkempt and they have a lot more problems with the police .
9 At the very least they are interesting because they formulated a number of assumptions about literature and literary study that still play a significant part in the academic world today .
10 His remarks are interesting because they demonstrate a new way of looking at that relationship .
11 ‘ Our books have always been popular because they provide a light-hearted , escapist , romantic read , ’ said a spokeswoman , Carol Cherry .
12 Seen in this way , it is clear that fairy tales play a significant part in helping us grow up — and that they are able to do this because they MAKING A SHORT STORY 57 introduce us to ideas about change , conflict and coming-to-maturity through the medium of make-believe .
13 They are able to do this because they have a dominant position in many markets and have the financial resources , excellent graduate training schemes , pay competitive salaries and offer a broad range of opportunities for young would-be executives to gain early experience .
14 I preferred them when they were fresh because they had a bit of a tang later on , but they were so good that the thought of them makes me hungry .
15 The existence of such conflicts had been acknowledged and deplored as early as the 1580s by George Gifford 's non-Puritan countryman , who had commented : ‘ I know towns myself which are divided one part against another since they had a preacher , which was not so before … whereas before they loved each other , now there is dissension sown among them . ’
16 Many of your colleagues in the broadcasting field are well-known to me , how can I persuade them , when they go to the bar that a Perrier or a tonic water might be just as efficacious as alcoholic liquor ; and how can I persuade them to stop smoking before they have a heart attack ?
17 Anala ( 1974 ) thought that mussels should be the preferred prey for H. lapillus as they offered a richer source of food than barnacles ; 4.844 k cal g — 1 dry weight compared with 3.827 .
18 One church 's house groups were doing this as they made a study , chapter by chapter , of Richard Foster 's Celebration of Discipline .
19 Durham , by that reckoning , got it all wrong when they signed a batsman as their overseas player in the knowledge that he would be available for only 3½ months of the five-month season .
20 It may seem easier if you remember that all parents have to do just this when they change a baby 's nappies , wipe the baby 's bottom , and ensure it is clean and dry .
21 Inland Revenue employees discovered this when they took a claim — that the Revenue 's requirement that they transfer from manual methods to using a computerised system was in breach of contract — to the High Court .
22 In some cases that might be true ; modern international show jumping course are so big and so technical that they demand a horse with the size , scope and power to make the heights and spreads .
23 It is possible that they have a reason to do a little to promote such a scheme , whereas the government requires them to make much larger sacrifices .
24 Britain 's problems were now so acute that they posed a threat to American interests and the free world 's financial system .
25 Lee seems to suggest that the relationship between tense and time is such that they reflect a simple cognitive process .
26 ‘ What saddened me about the reviews , ’ said Crawford , ‘ was n't so much that they had a go at the play , but they did n't recognise all the work done for me by the rest of the team .
27 After all , trades councils are the local versions of the T U C , and so it would seem appropriate that they get a say at the T U C Congress itself .
28 Despite criticism of these research findings , I remain convinced that they offer a framework for schools to investigate themselves as organisations and for teachers to analyse themselves as individuals when meeting disruptive behaviour .
29 Amongst both Labour and Conservative identifiers , it declined twice as much if they read a right-wing paper .
30 The harvest was early and they had a pre-season tour .
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