Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] he [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 With direct reference to the ‘ Jewish Question ’ , and in response to a ‘ demand ’ for more radical action which he had read in a newspaper , Hitler made clear that he had at the time to proceed tactically and in stages , but that his strategy was to manoeuvre his enemy into a corner before destroying him completely .
2 His biographer attributes the protracted proceedings there to Hamo 's unwillingness to bribe the cardinals ( although it is clear that he retained at least Cardinal William Testa at the curia ) , as well as to the proliferation of other candidates with royal support .
3 He made it clear that he stayed at La Tour Monchauzet because the vines needed him — and because he was sure that one day — somehow — Isabelle would return to him , and he had to be here — waiting . ’
4 It 's funny that he flags at the interests of the party of crime .
5 The boy amid the ruins could have been no more than 12 years old and he looked at us with genuine disinterest , sitting on a broken office swivel chair in the middle of rue Trablos , scruffy brown hair on top of a tired , old face .
6 Travis 's eyes were gleaming with mischief , though his face was grave when he looked at Paige .
7 Even the New Forest Hunt master admitted it was wrong when he spoke at a rival press conference .
8 He felt foolish as he looked at Molly who was on all fours amongst the pine needles looking at him in open mouthed amazement .
9 His gaze was inscrutable as he smiled at the American couple .
10 His heavily lined mahogany coloured face was unsmiling as he looked at them .
11 It was so cold and self-contained , his eyes were empty when he looked at her .
12 Had the house actually left the ground , he knew that he could n't have felt more strange than he did at this moment , or more afraid : there was someone here .
13 The eastern Saxons are almost certain to have remained at this time within the orbit of Oswiu and it may also be the case that Aethelwald , the brother of Aethelhere ( HE 111 , 22 ) ( see Appendix , Fig. 5 ) , received Oswiu 's support as the new king of the eastern Angles ; it is certainly not at all impossible that he ruled at first in a dependent relationship .
14 Bigwig was racing back across the field , looking more agitated than he had at any time since the encounter with Captain Holly .
15 His health began to deteriorate seriously towards the end of 1826 and he died at South Bank 17 February 1827 .
16 Merthyr want him to be their chief executive , masterminding their bid for Football League status — much as he did at Barnet .
17 His eyes were dark as he looked at her .
18 It was nearly dark when he arrived at Stobs and set up his equipment in a previously selected position above a deep cutting on the Whitrope side of the station .
19 Do you it 's amazing when he stops at a Happy Eater to have a fry-up , that there happens to be television cameras and the world 's press there .
20 A certain amount of anxiety was felt but was relieved when he reappeared at the tea-break with his shoulders once more drawn up to his ears .
21 For a second or two the expression of the Annamese.camp " boy " hardened as he stared at his employer , then he moved away from the peephole and began to busy himself cleaning the pots and pans that had been used to prepare the meal .
22 The judge was an old , kind man , but his face was very serious as he looked at me .
23 This morning Luke seemed even less human than he had at the interview when obviously she had caught him in an off moment .
24 These days he felt happier than he had at any time in his life .
25 March 1853 and he died at the very early age of thirty-seven , on 29th .
26 He got more and more tense as he pulled at himself .
27 Niki was lucky when he began at Ferrari in that he had a powerful intermediary in Luca Montezemolo , a gentleman in the Italian style , enormously suave , even-tempered , civilized and amiable .
28 Meanwhile a 24 year old man from Oxford was arrested later as he arrived at Oxford train station .
29 Indeed , it is not difficult to understand Lanfranc 's impatience with all that he found at Canterbury .
30 The film was seen by many critics as Lester 's least satisfactory during that period , but it was probably far better than he believed at the time , while embroiled in battles with Frank .
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