Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] he [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 In striking down the law Duplantier made it clear that he hoped that his decision would provide the opportunity for the Supreme Court to overturn the landmark 1973 judgement Roe v. Wade which provided the foundation of legal abortion in the US .
2 For a moment Nutty was afraid that he knew that Hoomey had given his secret away ; but he was not apathetic anymore .
3 Furthermore , it is interesting that he held that they owed this ‘ to an antecedent utility as objects of beauty ’ .
4 For the examiner may not agree that the fact is implied in the question ; but he will not mind about this if he sees that your assumption is not the result of carelessness but is your considered interpretation of the question .
5 I spoke to him about this and he confided that it was a mixture of polyurethane and Danish oil .
6 Minter , had he but known it , was right as well as wrong : right that Harry was running short of cash , wrong if he believed that currently mattered to him a jot .
7 The APA also questions the current rule that the state must prove that a defendant is sane if he claims that he is insane .
8 He placed an old towel on the bathroom floor so that it would not get wet and he ensured that everything he needed was within reach so that he did not have to move from the spot and so drip water everywhere .
9 She makes no acknowledgement of their affair in public and he understands that he is not to refer to it with these new acquaintances .
10 When Spurgeon opened Pastor 's College in 1856 some of the first pupils were illiterate but he insisted that his aim was to equip ‘ a class of ministers who will not aim at lofty scholarship , but at the winning of souls — men of the people ’ .
11 Yes but he wrote a book called this because he thought that er the conservatives were losing .
12 And he wanted to do this because he thought that if it were possible , if we could start just from our own sense experiences , then a great simplification would have been achieved .
13 King is currently on holiday but Mr Corfe added : ‘ John will be delighted when he hears about this because he feels that getting into the Pontins League is , in the long-term , almost as important as getting into the Premier League . ’
14 The person beset by fears and anxieties who nevertheless manages to present a confident exterior will often feel self-contempt because he feels that he is living a lie and that one day someone will catch him out .
15 Bukharin rejected this since he argued that to do so would be to disregard the historical character of the dictatorship of the proletariat .
16 Hardly had he done this before he heard that Yucef was near at hand , and coming as fast as he could come .
17 A man I know told me that he was twenty years old before he realised that his mother really loved him .
18 Butler was , perhaps , not saying anything so very different when he observed that ‘ equal educational opportunity is not identical educational opportunity ’ .
19 Frank Chapman , an executive council member of the EEPTU electricians ' union , was hissed and slow-handclapped when he asserted that scaling down nuclear power would put a brake on economic development in third world countries .
20 The spokesman , Rafi Horowitz , was wrong when he said that Palestinians could not claim their lands because they were citizens of a country at war with Israel .
21 My right hon. Friend must be wrong when he says that we are spending 4.3 per cent .
22 Miguel de Unamuno , the Spanish philosopher , made a point of this when he showed that it is impossible to separate belief from emotion :
23 Tycho Brahé opted out of the Copernican research programme and initiated another when he proposed that all planets other than the earth orbit the sun , while the sun itself orbits a stationary earth .
24 His rounds took him to most parts of the building and Rain was eagerly accepting that it must have been Stan on the second floor making her jumpy when he mentioned that since the murder he did not go into MacQuillan 's room or those next to it because the police were usually there .
25 Perhaps Jesus meant by this the ‘ outcasts ’ of Jewish society , although it is equally possible that he meant that God 's message — the kingdom — was for everyone , regardless of race .
26 As he was a brilliant classical scholar , it is possible that he realized that what he had discovered was in line with one of Hippocrates ' systems , formulated so many centuries before .
27 His passion , his arousal which the mere sight of her had provoked , was so strong that he wondered that she could not feel it too ; it seemed to hang , a living thing , in the air between them .
28 Unless the circumstances are such that he fears that violence is likely , no offence is committed .
29 The latter 's delight and enthusiasm were such that he insisted that Nicholas should be sent to study at Oxford University and maintained there at the royal charge ; but a month later the youth died , on his twentieth birthday .
30 The bowl of Rostov 's was so delicate that he felt that if he closed his hand too suddenly it would shatter .
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