Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] he [verb] i " in BNC.

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1 He suggested abortion two or three times and made it very clear that he thought I was making a mistake .
2 Tom could see this so he gave me the key to his hotel room and told me to have a shower and put on some of his clothes .
3 He knew all this and he knew I knew it .
4 He then accepted this and he told me he was going to pay me the other £2,500 in Turkey in Turkish money . ’
5 He come in laughing one day , look at this Paul , look at this and he shows me this big long letter that this teacher had wrote on .
6 ‘ He was very candid and he gave me the benefit of his thinking about a lot of things , ’ Clinton told reporters after leaving the White House .
7 I think my father 's authority was irrational because he expected me to have no other interests outside my schoolwork .
8 He 's an older man and maybe an easier since he had me galloping the best of my horses lame over you , Owen .
9 Lucker has elected not to do this as he tells me he would probably pass out .
10 He acknowledged this when he told me in fluent English that he wanted to do a post-graduate degree in biology in the States .
11 He 's very , very clever and he teaches me sums and helps me with my homework .
12 ‘ Dad 's very , very clever and he teaches me sums ’
13 The policeman is civil and he lets me go , commenting on my eyesore of a car , warning me to get my tail-light repaired .
14 I arrived early and he led me upstairs to a comfortable polish-scented lounge and made coffee , before returning to the bar to finish off .
15 He came racing towards me just as I got out , I had already shed my parachute in the aircraft to get out a little more schnell before he accosted me , I got the most bitter rollicking for leaving the aircraft outside his engineering hangar area .
16 I was experiencing something very like despair , which was not altogether relieved when he turned me towards him and said , " I 'd love you if you were as bald as a coot .
17 ‘ I 've heard so many stories about him and all the good he did , and my dad was delighted when he found I was working with Sarah because she was his granddaughter . ’
18 He wore a rich robe so encrusted with precious metals and stones that I wondered if he could stand up under the weight And his eyes were tiny , wet and somehow avid as he looked me over — wholly ignoring Mala — from head to foot .
19 He does n't like to be seen with mum and dad , but when I 'm poorly and he takes me out in the wheelchair , he does n't mind who he meets and he says : ‘ Hi fellas , this is my mum . ’
20 days and er but And so the father saw that he was safely there and the other Then when he came back he went into the house and said to Duncan er Was you speaking to the old John old John MacGregor and f He said I was that and he said I 'll let you see what my man got , and this was the little bag of gold .
21 Only a bit in that and he told me , and she kept that .
22 He knew as he could come to me er he used to bring me lock keys of all sorts and er he could get the castings or the patterns or what it is like that and he knows I could fashion them to fit the lock and all that sort of thin and we were very
23 Er the butty paid you , you see , out of his tin , what he thought fit and he gave me ten shillings for the first one I done , first day I done , and I told me Dad when I got home , he says , Ten shillings ?
24 ‘ My ole man got upset an' 'e told me ter get rid o' the bloody fing before 'e got 'ome from work ternight. 'E works on the trams , yer see , ’ the woman explained .
25 ‘ The less you respond to him the more he tries to get to you — I know I can be a bit intense so it 's really good that he taught me to have fun at work and loosen up . ’
26 I think I knew him better than he thought I did . ’
27 Because we went b I think I was n't er a very well child and the doct when I left school the doctor said I left school at fourteen and he said I had to erm find a job out of doors .
28 Cos that 's during the First World War , you see , and erm , he did and so he said goodbye to us all and he said I 'm going up now to say goodbye to your mother and he ran up the street here to say goodbye to my mother .
29 He 's now 80 and he wants me to live with him — he says he wants to take care of me .
30 ‘ He fined me for being late and he fined me for being overweight .
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