Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] it [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It may be one that is large and far-reaching or it may appear relatively small and trivial but … ( of ) special significance for the person who makes it is that his choice will help to determine the pattern of his unique development over time .
2 Erm and er I was wondering if Freud did that or if that 's what Freud was saying , that , that , that religion by nature must be repressed or that a minority as the nature of minority is , is er it works harder when it 's repressed or it can become stronger .
3 This is of less importance but may confirm what was already clear or it may help to differentiate between two or more remedies which are equally close .
4 Soil mixtures provide the means for some types of adhesion : an inorganic soil may form a matrix with another or it may form a discreet layer to which another soil might adhere if it can not adhere to the base substrate .
5 The Hezbollah organization announced on June 30 that it would take part in the elections , although it had not participated in any government formed since the Taif accord .
6 However , Europe made it clear that it would continue to defer to the leadership of the United States in the ‘ peace process ’ , as it had done in the 1970s .
7 On the same day the Egyptian government made it clear that it would remain within the coalition even if Israel were to retaliate against Iraq , while a somewhat more ambiguous Syrian statement allowed the inference that a limited Israeli response , proportionate to the Iraqi attack , need not have adverse consequences for Syria 's participation in the coalition .
8 The company also made it clear that it would stretch every resource to meet ministry demands , regardless of its new commercial status .
9 When I was asked by John Wakeham to join AEA as a part-time member in 1988 , it was clear that it would to help lead a similar re-orientation and I felt I could make a useful contribution .
10 The opposition Labour Party made clear that it would support concessions on the occupied territories in exchange for peace .
11 A ban on strike action which was also proposed for the same period , with heavy fines for offenders , had been dropped by the parliamentary labour committee when it became clear that it would receive no support , but fines for unofficial strikes were increased .
12 Russia has made clear that it would like longer-term credits and money to help finance such programmes as a social safety net for workers who lose their jobs due to the reforms .
13 The Bank was seeking new commitments of US$25,000 million in 1994 , but the USA , the Bank 's equal largest shareholder with Japan , made it clear that it would oppose a replenishment until the Bank reformed its lending policies .
14 Russia has already made clear that it would oppose any renegotiation of the convention .
15 On page one o eight paragraph two point two er , the society proposals of the er , in accordance with the objectives we 've taken out overall , it wants to be clear that it must mean it 's in total , the objectives .
16 On the NHS , for all the managerial changes and efficiency campaigns , Mrs Thatcher has made clear that it will remain a largely state-financed service .
17 The Chinese want to put pressure on Vietnam , and Peking has made clear that it will continue sending arms until the Vietnamese-installed government of Hun Sen agrees to some form of power-sharing that includes the Khmer Rouge .
18 With its inflation still rising , the country on the verge of a perilous wage-price spiral and public finances deeply in the red , the Bundesbank has made it clear that it will keep the German economy locked in a vice of high interest rates for as long as it takes to squeeze out inflation .
19 As dozens of workmen and structural engineers moved in yesterday to sweep up and make the area safe , it became clear that it will take weeks , possibly months , to return to normal .
20 Unless a serious breach of your contract has taken place , or your employer has made it clear that it will take place , you should not leave in a huff .
21 The excitement is in the expectation that , having been around and seen all that you can , the end product will be at least a little more interesting than it might have been if you had stayed at home .
22 Absence from work due to sickness has certainly not been falling ; on the other hand , but for the increased spending on medicine , it is conceivable that it might have risen .
23 And if a new kind of replicator takeover is beginning , it is conceivable that it will take off so far as to leave its parent DNA ( and its grandparent clay if Cairns-Smith is right ) far behind .
24 Now , if a vast majority likes to base its fashion garmentry on what the American road worker is wearing this year , it seems only sensible that it should base its fashion vehicle on what he is driving .
25 She was so horribly sensible that it could drive you , as Maggie knew it was now driving Phoebe , into complete tantrums and screaming , because Rachel would not share that part of the argument .
26 The westerly wind will remain light so it will feel pleasantly warm in the sunshine .
27 For its part the IRA announced on April 22 that it would suspend attacks on Protestant " death squads " , although attacks on UK government and security forces would continue .
28 The current is so high that it can electrify ( and kill ) you even if you do n't actually touch it !
29 ‘ My courage is so high that it will uphold the weakness of my body , ’ he declared in a letter to his mother from Dunkirk .
30 The pollen is tiny and minute , so minute that it can get up your nose and give you hay fever , but er you 're never gon na catch hay fever from modules because they 'll never be released , they 're relatively massive compared with , compared with pollen .
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