Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] i [vb past] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Everything in bilingual Canada was written in both English and French and I realized that since my arrival I 'd been reading the French quite easily .
2 The negro was obviously homosexual and I realized that homosexuals had been buying that stuff for years .
3 She sounded serious and I knew that , this being so , she was talking about herself .
4 The exhibition was crowded and I felt that , really , this was for Hungarians , as though I were intruding on a private grief .
5 It was becoming dark and I realized that I had lost my way .
6 They were perfectly civil but I sensed that my private engagements had a pretty low priority .
7 There was only one peg that was ice-free and I predicted that if anything was caught at all that peg would be the last to produce .
8 I in fact I 've just been shown a different copy of this , Gwen has just shown me a different copy and the colour 's is totally different , its a very , very poor erm print and , when I was looking at this through my book , the background was very strange and I felt that almost had been painted by a totally different artist , but having seen Gwin 's , er Gwen 's
9 Yes I re I said that and I realized that I 'd said it and I should n't have done .
10 It was considerably later that I discovered that the teenage office lad had been strapped and bound with tape and left in the lift on the top floor .
11 Well , Mrs Newton , as she is now , was fairly monosyllabic until I promised that the Daily News would send her a little present .
12 Perhaps I would be a bit churlish if I said that they could have scored even more in the second half , but that 's a minor complaint .
13 He wore old , dirty clothes , and I had to look very hard before I saw that it was my old friend .
14 I , with a mother 's intuition , had suspected that ‘ things ’ were not right but I expected that it was one of those ‘ hiccups ’ … ) not so , I 'm afraid .
15 more than that but I thought that saves
16 I wanted to go across to the hill and search for him , but we were tired and I remembered that Sir Henry might be in danger .
17 Well I did think about it but the Careers Officer advised me no cos he thought that you have to be really really good before y get in and he asked me if I thought I was really good and I said that well I was not too bad but and he said that he thought it would be better to concentrate on something else .
18 and I mean I have done several since I left the Scottish Office as well which is quite good and I thought that I might put Sandy at his ease by telling a couple of amusing incidents that have happened post the Scottish Office days
19 For a few seconds that stony-visaged politician looked kindly and I realised that , apart from his mistress , Benjamin was one of the few people Wolsey really loved .
20 She sounded ill-tempered and I realised that in the absence of me , Syl and Lili she must have dined alone with Mrs Monro and Robert and the gallery owner .
21 I was very tired but I knew that I must look out for a trap .
22 I was not sure whether I owed that to Gwenellen , the universal awe of Old Red , or Aline 's being away .
23 er er er Well it can be but it c er er er er er I found it very helpful when I discovered that after I was saved .
24 In another store one sales assistant stopped short of calling me stupid when I commented that a certain guitar was n't to my taste and a bit cheap-looking .
25 As long as I ensured that she was in peak physical condition , it was n't too difficult to get her to fly further the next time .
26 I was impressed when I discovered that as well as the usual homoeopathic remedies , psionic practitioners used potencies of DNA ( deoxyribonucleic acid ) and RNA ( ribonucleic acid ) .
27 No sooner had I selected wheels down than I noticed that the port wheel had not come right down because I did not get a green light on that side of the undercarriage indicator .
28 And I would dare those of you who would look up the newspaper clippings of that occasion and challenge that view , because you would find a much different reading in those newspaper clips than what I learnt many years later , trudging round the island , Personally I thought that I was being particularly clever bombing a seaplane that was taking off , It was only when I was serving on Sylt in the fifties that I learned that this was in fact a tug ( or you might call it a barge , a sea-going barge ) on the end of 100 metres of line , that was being towed .
29 I 've come a cropper over this before , bemoaning the appalling performance of a 386/40 until I noticed that the tiny turbo light was off and , instead of running at 40MHz , the machine was running at 8MHz !
30 Unlike most of the sights before , you are unlikely to be standing alone and I noticed that other visitors wandered round in disbelieving silence .
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