Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] have never [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The basic elements of the station were already clear and have never changed .
2 She had her first operation when she was 21 days old and has never experienced the life of a healthy child .
3 This emperor would be the secular arm of the pope following papal policies : in some ways a simplistic interpretation of the Donation of Constantine , perhaps — the return to an ideal that had never existed .
4 She launched her own company , Betty Jackson Ltd , in October 1981 and has never looked back .
5 David was warming himself by a fire in the centre of the hut ; he was almost nude and had never worn anything other than a coarse blanket which was slightly tied round him to cover his back .
6 The children emerged from the elaborate wrought-iron school gates , which were red with rust-preventer but had never got around to being painted .
7 He had been obedient and had never received the fuss that was being made over the return of his brother .
8 He soon became fluent in Welsh and has never forgotten the basics of the language , despite his move to Irby on the Wirral where he lives with his wife Beryl .
9 He bought it in the Swinging Sixties and had never worn it .
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