Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] have [vb pp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is this that has made some Americans say that , if Iraq agreed to withdraw from Kuwait , it must abandon its tanks and other heavy equipment .
2 It is this that has caused many readers to find in Troilus and Cressida a nihilistic vision of human life , where nothing of true value is maintained .
3 Most writers have detected a new sense of purpose in Hollywood after 1933 and have related that to a number of factors .
4 ( from Jerry Arnull , 10pp ; £1 + 30p p&p ) — Summary , from limited records , of a felicitous cricket week which began in 1933 and has seen some fine performances .
5 Since I was twenty years old and had had some success in college debating societies , this possibility did not strike me as remote .
6 He is confident the event should prove popular and has ordered more beer to meet the expected high demand .
7 Olayide and Falusi ( 1977 : 1 15 ) comment that ‘ past government efforts in soil conservation have been very meagre and have had little impact in solving the erosion problems ’ .
8 Prince Charles , he says , hates being recognised in public and has transferred these emotions to buildings .
9 The kindness of Cinzia Miletti 's heart was a quality Zen had considerable difficulty in imagining where Ivy Cook was concerned , but he found it easy enough to believe that in her husband 's absence Cinzia had been feeling bored and had welcomed any excuse for going into Perugia .
10 The seminar discussions have been wide-ranging and have covered many aspects of way of life , not all of which were directly connected with oil-related activities .
11 that if had relinquished all his responsibility regarding the mortgage and so on and signed it over to you , then you could have turned round and say alright that 's it , I 'm going to sell the house
12 The Book of Kells has not survived the centuries complete and has lost some of its printed pages , or perhaps the plan for the illumination was never completed .
13 For my character that 's been her hook on life , she sees it as a way of competing with women who are brighter or have got more of a start in life .
14 that 's okay that 's got that .
15 They did , they say they got water hammer we went into the ladies toilets and one door , one cubicle was shut and there was this loud drumming noise and I said to Brenda perhaps it 's an alarm signal perhaps somebody on the other side of that door has been taken ill and has pressed some sort of alarm signal , anyway we went out and they said oh no it 's always making that noise !
16 Leave them , in the covered pot , in a very slow oven , anything from gas no. ½ to 1 or 290°F. , to gas no. 3 or 330°F. , for 2 to 3 hours or longer , until they are very swollen and completely soft and have absorbed most of the liquid .
17 Mr Crosby said : ‘ I also have 10 important League matches left and have said all along that if we do n't win these as well I can not expect to be given the job here . ’
18 Of course there were friends whom I could have asked , but I had seen an opportunity to be stubborn and had dismissed each of her suggested candidates with tiresome and irrelevant objections — too fat , too blonde , too tall , too many teeth .
19 The design is unique but has influenced many smaller churches .
20 The great transitions of life — birth , marriage and death — retained their power over the imagination , and the rituals around these are all that have kept many churches functioning .
21 She found the whole thing very embarrassing and had tried several times to back out of it , but Felipe would not hear of such a thing .
22 He was 80 and had completed all the Munros five times , the Corbetts at least twice , all the Donalds and a myriad of other hills in Scotland and abroad .
23 Dynasty is one of many and has enjoyed some huge ratings .
24 A Lake Chad Basin commission with representatives of Chad , Cameroon , Nigeria and Niger ( which all bordered on the lake ) had been established in 1964 but had made little progress .
25 In on large study , the perinatal mortality risk increased by 20 per cent for the infants of smokers of less than 20 per day and by 35 per cent for smokers of 20 or more per day , compared with that of non-smokers. ( 5 ) The risk is greater in women who are poor , anaemic or have had several children .
26 The dismissal of hypochondria by most doctors is a relatively new attitude , and one which is lamented by those that have studied this disorder .
27 Younger children , or those that have had little experience of playing freely , need a little more encouragement and the next example illustrates how a teacher was able to lead a small group without directing them too much .
28 Having a naturally restrained appetite , which probably means that you are only a few pounds overweight and have gained this weight over a lengthy period .
29 It had stood idle and decaying since 1914 and had lost most of its floors and part of the roof-a far cry from today 's substantial and elegant building that now houses the Cotswold Country Museum .
30 Honda immediately withdrew the two affected models — the HR-EL 171 and 172 and has contacted all its 4,500 owners warning them not to use the machine until a solution is found .
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