Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [Wh det] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The buyers in this particular market were very clear that what they wanted was a small loan , for a fixed amount , over a short period , paid weekly to a collector .
2 Erm the forecast figure is our plan of getting to the end result , which is not the same thing , which is in a way it 's a bit like our overtime hours and some of the areas we said that we would spend X amount of hours in , in two months , we 've had to then change the shape of that and said we 'd have half of X over five months , so our forecast i is being done differently , cos they 've worked out the , the branch forecast quite significantly differently erm Jeremy went through , through most of th briefly most of the means of doing that this morning and it sounds a lot more sensible than what they 've done in the past .
3 Whether they have too much or what they have but , I mean they 're just they just think everybody owes them something , and it 's like Neil , I mean , to me I mean I ca n't see why he ca n't get off his backside and go and work in a supermarket but it 's not the job they want , the same answer I said
4 This helps them to produce work substantially more creative and thoughtful than what they have been able to do before .
5 The popular slogan ‘ This we will maintain ’ , that is the union with Britain , can be equally applied to the religious and moral values the loyalists pride so much and which they see as embodied in the protestant — loyalist statelet , with its appropriate state apparatus of coercion and alternative paramilitary units .
6 yeah I mean , and the trouble is what n annoys me more than anything is the fact that he 's good worker I me even when he 's drunk , alright he do n't work at full capacity but he does sort of almost as much as what they do and when he 's
7 What the Government buy matters as much as what they spend .
8 The question is one of the proper interpretation of the words enacted by Parliament and it could be that the Act does what the committee thought was not practicable and what they did not intend to do .
9 Victor and his parents have precious little but what they do have is — us !
10 On occasions like these , friends of Burton reported , he would counter-attack by releasing his temper , tearing up the room and making it quite clear and genuinely credible that whatever they did , said or tried on he would do just whatever he wanted .
11 But they 're not prepared to , to leave NUPE , let go of something you know unless it 's better than what they 've had .
12 Well no , no I know but I thought well that does n't seem to well that 's better than what they had .
13 but cheaper than what they call it ?
14 The first is the market research model in which clients and potential clients are asked what services they would find helpful and what they think is wrong with current provision and how they think it might be improved .
15 A rich invalid , I mean you would n't be good but what they forget oh !
16 We need to know more than what they mean to know whether they are true .
17 No they ca n't charge any more than what they 've got now , because they ca n't bloody sell it , look at her
18 She , skilled in the ways of therapy , had after the first few sessions begun dissecting his own motives for him and Kevin , like an obedient dog , ended up nodding slowly as she told him clearly , fully , frankly what he meant when he said what he thought about what she or Henry felt , and how what he thought he thought about what they felt , or said they felt , probably was n't what he really felt any more than what they said they felt was really deep down what they really felt .
19 And it 's nothing more than what they deserve , for they 're a band of turncoats .
20 ‘ The region has got to come out in the open and to do more than what they have been doing before to make a real commitment to get rid of racism , particularly institutional racism which has been built up over many , many years . ’
21 ‘ The region has got to come out in the open and to do more than what they have been doing before to make a real commitment to get rid of racism , particularly institutional racism which has been built up over many , many years . ’
22 We should read the catalogue descriptions with circumspection — what they do not say is invariably more important than what they do — and we need to be more guarded when reading articles by newspaper reporters whose effusions are often more flamboyant than they should be .
23 But what they do well is more damaging than what they do badly .
24 It is much more difficult to establish precisely when damage occurred , who was responsible and what they intended at the time .
25 Diary A rhinologically challenged Sean French notes that what journalists leave out is as important as what they put in
26 DIARY A rhinologically challenged Sean Francis notes that what journalists leave out is as important as what they put in
27 Erm the U V A machine , the problem we 've got on there which Ray 's explained or Peter raised this morning , there is in between the the drive belts that take the film down the former and which They 've put a new set on which is a hundred and forty pound a pi They 're in between the two drive wheels , there is a plastic adjuster .
28 So , let's look at some of the settings in Windows 3.1 and what they mean .
29 Yeah you write the , sort of , how long it took to do it and if it was if there was more one and what they said about it an
30 They 're amazed that what they thought was a quiet little Swedish story appears round the world the next day , ’ says Mr McGovern .
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