Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [vb -s] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 The boy always having adventures and escapades while the girl looks on admiringly , tells him to be careful or stays to play with dolls , is by no means automatically true of the day-to-day play activities of young children .
2 AT&T Microelectronics has bought back worldwide marketing rights in the ISDN chip it developed for Sun Sparcstation 10s and has contracted with CoSystems Inc to sell and support the widget .
3 Part of the reason they do so is cultural and has to do with the elective affinity of their habituses with postmodern culture .
4 ‘ So what is the connection between King John and a girl who herds swine on Ridgery Steep and goes holidaying with outlaws ? ’
5 Alt 's book on The Politics of Economic Decline has explored the nature of political business cycles in Britain alone and has dealt with the possibility that governments might run the economy to their own electoral advantage through manipulating the rate of inflation , disposable incomes , and unemployment in such a way as to rally short-run popular support at election time .
6 Gail is 37 and has lived with Stephen for nine years .
7 The record company folk who have been talking Gulf and eating her sarnies leave and Susanna draws up a chair , sits on it cross-legged and starts to play with her hair , twisting it and knitting it .
8 The buyer also should be able to sue on the basis of breach of contract if the item is defective and fails to comply with implied terms such as those concerning merchantable quality and fitness for purpose .
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