Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [is] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 It is very interesting and is linked to the work we have been carrying out .
2 It 's very interesting and is linked to the work we 've been carrying out . ’
3 Peter ( Val 's brother ) lives in a town on the east coast of the island called Nanaimo , which has a population of about 50,000 and is connected to Vancouver ( which lies almost opposite ) by a regular ferry service .
4 Erm , the agency has considered a paper on this as is referred to in the final paragraph , what it 's basically suggesting to the Department of the Environment and the Home Office is , is that a formula is based upon the supply factors er , such as the , the number of fire stations and standard crew levels etcetera .
5 It runs both Solaris 1.1 and 2.1 and is expected to be the first of a family of products .
6 It runs both Solaris 1.1 and 2.1 and is expected to be the first of a family of products .
7 The Light Rifle is based around the same theory of operation as a lightpen , it 's just much bigger and is designed to be held up to about 10′ from the TV set rather than in contact with the screen .
8 The sundial on a cottage in North End was made in the 1840s and is said to be the largest in England with its twelve ft diameter .
9 The camcorder on the right is bigger and heavier and is designed to be supported on the shoulder : compare the position of its side-mounted viewfinder with the ones on the compact machines .
10 Therefore , although skills are now embedded in all courses reviewed and validated this session , the range of skills is not as comprehensive as is deemed to be desirable by the University .
11 He goes on to state that the great coat charity is alive and is charged to Holborough Court Estate and was paid until his death by William Lee Esq .
12 In non-orthodox circles also the blood taboo , in culturally received if not strictly religious terms , is strong and is observed to varying degrees in context of inter-personal relations .
13 Our most famous memorial is the Lambarde Brass which is unique and is believed to be of Flemish workmanship .
14 The UK is offering to cut emissions by 71 per cent from the base year of 1980 by 2005 and is committed to reaching 60 per cent by 2000 .
15 The United States sent $65m ( £40m ) of military aid to Colombia , but this has been called inappropriate and is alleged to be more suitable for fighting Colombia 's left-wing guerrillas than the cocaine mafia .
16 Spatial frequency is less intuitively obvious but is related to the number of times the display cycles from light to dark to light again as you go a fixed distance in a single direction across the display .
17 ‘ My parents are the ones who need to be convinced , and I 'm not sure that 's going to be an easy task . ’
18 A new business language school at Newcastle University opens on June 18 and is tailored to the needs of local firms .
19 The most important words there are " per se " : for a person can legitimately prevent competition indirectly if the restraint is reasonable and is attached to a proper interest which merits protection .
20 Garth , who also strokes the crew , is a former lightweight international and is returning to the form he showed before a back injury sidelined him last year .
21 It 'll be around 30 minutes long and is intended to be a trailer for their new full length video which will be released later this year [ Summer time ? ] .
22 For daughters who take on the role the identification of the caring responsibility is probably much more complex and is related to a variety of factors including the services which are available , the needs of the older person , the type of relationship and feelings of filial responsibility .
23 It is not means-tested and is paid to women in all circumstances .
24 Sex is pleasurable and is meant to be so .
25 The full circuit diagram for the UV Exposure Timer is given in Fig. 1 and is seen to be based around a simple 555 timer chip IC1 , wired as a monostable .
26 Above the forest the land is rocky and exposed and is left to sheep and goats .
27 But Hillary knows that would be taking nepotism too far and is reconciled to being appointed unpaid head of some commission or other .
28 That 's it an approved credit guideline and er that is the problem at the moment that the approved er credit guideline for the non T S G schemes is really insufficient and is having to be propped up er from elsewhere within the budget , your Chairman yesterday met with the er gentleman er the suited gentleman from Bedford and , and er having er given them appropriate cups of coffee er , impressed upon them that the er the one point two was really insufficient for one or two million er , er credit approvals was really insufficient for the needs of Suffolk and er they went away did they not Chairman saying that they er appreciated the point whether you had success or not or perhaps to er wait until December ?
29 It occurs in John 's Gospel chapter 13 and is linked to the Passover , like communion .
30 The one of Otakar I is superb and is said to be from the hand of the master himself .
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