Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [vb base] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I have no birth certificate , no National Insurance number , nothing to say I 'm alive or have ever existed .
2 But their sports bags , suit-covers and hair scrunchies were so popular that demand quickly outstripped supply .
3 She added : ‘ We have had so many inquiries about this and have carefully verified it and we want to set their minds at rest . ’
4 The basic elements of the station were already clear and have never changed .
5 These tools have often proved to be too language-specific and have often highlighted our need to re-evaluate concepts of language and communication .
6 Political and church groups and sports- and businesspeople also launched campaigns to express solidarity with foreigners and opposition to violence .
7 These changes , in the piecemeal fashion in which the Act is being implemented , will come into force in September 1993 and have already led to what Adrian Randall , finance director of the Cancer Research Campaign , calls , ‘ some howlers ’ .
8 She said : ‘ I live him very much and have always admired him .
9 I am 26 and have just lost my virginity after a year-long relationship .
10 The relevant pressure groups maintain their vigilance , but during the 1970s the changes in the rural landscape , especially in the lowlands , have become much more visible and have certainly received much more publicity .
11 David , Grant and Stuart are due to complete their studies towards the end of 1995 but have already cleared the first hurdle .
12 The People 's Party and the Czechoslovak Socialist Party , which functioned as proper political parties before 1948 and have since had a satellite existence , have begun to flex their muscles .
13 In our choice of institutions to whom we have sent the tape , we have tried to get as wide a scope of research as possible and have now completed our quota for the pilot .
14 The working party have taken the view that the small company audit is unnecessary and have virtually accused us of being parasites .
15 They now take home just £50 a week each and have also given up their company cars .
16 But there will always be clients whose English is poor , who are bewildered or have perhaps tried but failed , and who will still need specialist care .
17 Given the ambiguity of the evidence from West Stow as to whether decorated funerary pottery was also used domestically , it should be noted that such grass-tempered vessels have open-mouthed , simple , rounded forms , whereas the ‘ funerary ’ wares are larger and have more restricted mouths .
18 It may be fair enough for those people who retire at 60 or 65 , but consider those who were forced to take early retirement or who were sick and have now recovered . ’
19 So we 've got this group of people who are and just retired , they 're sixty-five and have just retired , and they 're looking forward to their pension le lo losing completely in two-and-a-half years time unless something 's done about it .
20 Leeds have done well with ( 2 ) since ‘ 89 and have wisely pursued ( 1 ) in the last couple of years too .
21 In the pellets or scats of many of the predators the teeth are either not broken at all or have only suffered minor damage , and these are for the most part the same species for which little damage to the jaws is evident .
22 The fact that Y may have been quite innocent and have genuinely believed at the time that the goods were his to sell , gives him no defence either to a claim by Z for breach of contract or to a claim by O for conversion .
23 Although we may be qualified to do so in certain areas , mainly commercial , we could not really be considered a top-class rugby-playing country strength-wise and have therefore decided not to bid .
24 The dynamic due , who wiped the floor with 35 other couples , first teamed up in 1981 and have twice represented Canada in competitions .
25 Some of the claims have been on the basis of debatable information , and all have been highly selective and have only drawn attention to the adverse elements of research whilst ignoring much encouraging , positive information .
26 It is based on a selected group of Arab states — although the non-Arab states in the region are potentially the most powerful and have always displayed a powerful awareness of their regional role .
27 A number of restraints imposed upon conduct before the war became weaker or have even disappeared .
28 Now I was about to make a comment that er well most of you know who who you are and where you 're sitting , er those that have already done that have turned their name tags round so we can see .
29 And what of those that have already fallen by the wayside ?
30 If they want to settle out of court , then it has got to be a really substantial settlement to satisfy these people because er those that have already died , er they entered into the litigation in the hope of seeing it through and making sure that , er if anything did happen to them , their wives and families would be catered for and would be er financially settled .
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