Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [vb past] [pers pn] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 The stench of damp that enveloped her was noxious ; she tried to take short breaths .
2 Lydia was enraged at the injustice of this and said she was definitely going home now , and what 's more her feet were hurting .
3 He frowned when reporting this and said it was not good that she should be so hard .
4 She had a lot of hair , but it was so tangled and matted it was impossible to determine the colour .
5 He said he 'd just come back from Amsterdam and he had tried some and said it was great and did I know where he could get some .
6 In addition , having listened repeatedly to the cassette he felt much happier in himself , realizing that the stammer which so embarrassed and distressed him was not going to prove incurable .
7 The babies , the bottles , the cooking , the diapering , the burping , the carriage wheeling , the pressure cooker , the barbecue , the playground and doing-it-yourself was more comfortable , more safe , secure and satisfying than that supposedly glamorous ‘ career ’ in which you somehow did n't feel wanted and knew you were n't going to get anywhere .
8 These new words can be proved by taking statements from an aggrieved person(s) to say how harassed , alarmed or distressed he was .
9 He 'd worked for firearms makers Springfield and Samuel Colt before beginning his own company in 1890 , and knew that identical parts could be made to a standard that meant they were interchangeable .
10 The composite that reached us was not attractive : to wear gloves , to redecorate and to pursue vicious joyless affairs under false names in highway motels .
11 This general modesty about the rights and powers of human reason might not appear a very dangerous threat to natural theology , but the way in which Hume sharpened and applied it was to have a quite shattering impact .
12 Or Hofmannsthal telling Strauss how ‘ delighted and moved he was by the music ’ ?
13 And I waited behind there till quarter past six and thought she was n't coming , and so I got out from behind the pillar … and she got out from behind hers !
14 Well-dressed and fed they were .
15 In a long conversation to another close friend near the end of June , Antonia said she was upset and worried she was n't seeing enough of her Minister .
16 When she 'd lain awake in the night realizing how upset and worried she was by Timothy Gedge 's visit , she 'd thought the one thing she would n't be able to do was Meals on Wheels with Miss Poraway .
17 He pleaded guilty and said he was thirsty .
18 He began trying on his mother 's clothing when he was eight and realised he was a transexual when he was 17 .
19 The basis for the objections was that the RRA considered the site to be unsuitable and felt it was chosen by the IDA simply because the land was to hand .
20 ‘ I used Victoria when I was younger and thought it was terrible , ’ he said .
21 Farrar was short with livery lips and thick black eyebrows , and Something was prematurely bald and thought he was really cool .
22 Aware of further frosty looks from Seb 's parents Nutty looked suitably repentant and said she was sorry for trespassing .
23 She turned away and heard the door softly closing and knew she was alone .
24 How cold and calculated he was .
25 It must be a bit like being a lapsed Catholic , he thought ; you knew you were right but felt you were wrong .
26 All that amazed her was that he had not expected that .
27 All that got you was humiliation .
28 All that betrayed her was the slight tremor in the hand holding her wineglass .
29 But all that preceded it was very important too .
30 I was sixteen and thought I was in love .
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