Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was a question so typically feminine that somehow it released part of the tension in him .
2 Goes round like this and then it goes square at the back .
3 ‘ The game was going OK and then it went up in flames .
4 But if it does n't hold , at the very end what they 'll do is break in on it ‘ and now the special report from Dan Rather in Baghdad , and then you see Dan Rather and when he 's done there 's a commercial and then it goes back to whatever they were doing on tape .
5 It was obvious he was good , it was obvious he should be in FI , but somehow he dallied and twiddled and procrastinated and did n't get around to it seriously until he was thirty-six years old and then it took him only three years to become champion .
6 You may know this but surely it comes under the heading of classified information ? ’
7 At times I think perhaps I imagined it , wished it so much that now it seems real , but it was n't like that .
8 This is an alternative to 4.1 and again it requires the Vendor to anticipate what additional rights the Business should be authorised to use .
9 And they get very uptight if they get erm too much and then it 's reduced rather than the other way round .
10 Oh yes , you get that , you get that kind of mimicry , but again you 'd expect it in , in , in both sexes I should think , unless it just happens that males for example normally are bigger and then it 's taken on a , a secondary characteristic which is a possibility .
11 The mate used to get erm on the dredger the tug and the two dumb hoppers , or the dumb hoppers they used to get four pound five shillings a week and erm and my father got five pound twelve and six and then it went so long we were given near the end of the dredger and er in the Harbourmaster 's wisdom he cut us all down five shillings a week , so we get three pound fifteen shillings .
12 See my nick name in the T A was Vicky , she probably felt save with somebody named Vicky see people started called me van witty and then it got changed to Wicky then somebody started called me Vicky and it stuck , she probably thought I 'd got a You know when I look back now I fucking enjoyed in the T A
13 Cos you 've probably found that already with maths have n't you that once there 's a little bit you do n't understand they start putting more and more on that you need to know that little bit for and you you do n't know it and you 're getting more and more lost and then it gets a bit late then .
14 In Orkney , the attack on housing policy was at first personal but then it turned against bureaucracy in general which led officials to being very defensive .
15 I do n't work much but there it goes .
16 There 's no need to be paranoid but sometimes it does take a conscious effort to be aware of what is going on around you .
17 But it is not as easy as perhaps it sounds .
18 It is intended that 828 will be working on the main line as soon as possible and consequently it has been rebuilt to British Rail Main Line standards .
19 There was this one for twenty five to thirty people and then there was another one for say forty or fifty and then it zoomed up to like a hundred .
20 Do you know what I mean , it do n't pick it up as loud and then it comes back again .
21 That 's right yes , yeah that bit that was just like what they call a swan neck , just like the swan and that was like that and so it kept me at load level , they were built by and some of the best cranes I 've ever known on the dock .
22 The penny dropped and finally it dawned .
23 He was noticing everything , the way the light played on a broken brick in the wall opposite and sometimes it looked hollow and sometimes it looked a bulge , which proved that you could n't say that what you saw , however carefully , scientifically , you analysed it , was a scientific fact .
24 While creating a bit mapped image is quick and easy it does have a number of significant disadvantages .
25 And they put it on back to front and so she keeps on putting her watch on upside down , she goes and I was feeling dead sick and then it realised it was the stupid cow at the shop with
26 Lucy in black sleeveless polo neck — so smooth and tight it makes me dizzy .
27 However if you say erm oh well you know erm boys will be boys that 's natural , tha that sounds as if you 're kind of making excuses for them and condoning them , so I think you 've got to be very careful about how you use the word natural and clearly it raises the whole question of how far you can , you can push erm cultural ideals against natural constraints an and what really is the issue .
28 The early evening had been fine and then it darkened over with thundercloud and got warmer .
29 but at the beginning of the morning it were cold and then it went warmer
30 Charles tried the latch of the gate ; he had to push hard but eventually it yielded .
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