Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [noun pl] ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Editor , — K German and colleagues ' paper and Catherine Pope 's editorial emphasise the current attention directed at reducing waiting lists in the NHS .
2 " No , do n't , leave it alone , " the irrepressible cry of one born knowing sprang from Lalage as she watched Nicandra 's efforts to control the blonde strands of hair blowing , light as ducks ' down , on the back of her neck .
3 It was those factors as much as individuals ' ability which won the league 2 seasons ago .
4 The manager 's task was to remain up to date with the changes , to encourage a confident understanding of the purpose and methods of assessment and to make sense of the ambiguity which surrounded questions of parental and governors ' access to the assessments .
5 Musician Andy Jackson from Durham will work with all 42 pupils at Wearhead Junior and Infants ' School to help them with basic music skills in line with the requirements of the national curriculum .
6 It is not satisfactory that workers ' pension funds remain vulnerable to the predators .
7 In the case of a listed company , it is likely that shareholders ' consent will be required in any event as the transaction is likely to be a " Class 4 transaction " ( acquisitions by director ) requiring Stock Exchange approval .
8 It may seem obvious that employers ' work-force policies will affect employees ' experiences of work and their outlook towards work .
9 Social and practical situations are interactive and pupils ' competence in them may be quite different from their abilities with pen and paper alone .
10 Prior consultation and participative decision-making has not always been regarded as a right but teachers ' involvement should be regarded as a professional entitlement .
11 Centres must stick to the published learning outcomes and performance criteria and only vary the assessment instruments if they have permission — and they must make sure that candidates ' work is retained until the published dates .
12 The implications of the Black and Tans ' behaviour and of the complicity of the Government in their reign of terror had been clear for some time , but Tubby 's experience had brought it all into sharp focus .
13 The Black and Ambers ' pack steamroller on as prop Malcolm Sibthorpe ( in possession ) holds up Bridgend before releasing scrum-half David Llewellyn .
14 This is particularly useful when manufacturers ' software is available ( as for example SEARCH ON KEY for IBM computers ) to carry out the search automatically .
15 Why , however , is it important that pupils ' capacity for imagination is developed in order to understand religion ?
16 It is ‘ of course ’ unlikely that Callinicos ' criticism will cut much ice with those whose substantial career investments lie in one or another of the postmodern 's corners : movementist politics , the radical academy , post this-ism and that-ism , a variety of well-upholstered ‘ dissenting ’ niches from both the dominant culture and traditional opposition to it .
17 If collective bargaining of this kind is to continue and improve for the benefit of both , it is essential that employees ' organisation should be fully representative .
18 Mr McGahey , a prominent communist and mineworkers ' leader , was subjected to extensive surveillance , including the tapping of his home telephone .
19 The opportunity to introduce a legal agreements was available when Millers ' appeal to the Court of Session prevented the Secretary of State 's decision to grant outline consent to the Maybury Park development from taking effect and Wimpey submitted outline application no 1463/90 .
20 From the imperative to refrain on this occasion the child may advance , as he observes the situation recur in his own or others ' experience , to his first general principle :
21 Griffin is right to the extent that we do entertain fantasies of inhabiting other ‘ skins ’ ( David Garnett 's Lady into Fox ( 1932 ) is a good example of the literary genre , although Kafka 's Metamorphosis ( 1961 ) is pre-eminent in casting the shadows of paradox involved in the attempt ) but the failure to achieve this does not in any way put at risk our understanding of what others say of their own or others ' consciousness .
22 The campaign will aim at increasing elderly passengers ' assertiveness and heightening their own and others ' awareness of their vulnerabilities .
23 Wilberforce doubted that humanitarian zeal had sufficient staying power despite his own and others ' expression of it in 1792 .
24 Monitoring our own and others ' behaviour .
25 There seemed little if any concern for research into the description of linguistic interaction in the classroom — a particularly sad observation , as this is an area where teachers are well-equipped to find a base for research , and need to be able to monitor their own and others ' performance effectively .
26 They knew from their own and others ' research that there was a diminishing prospect for children returning home once they had been long in care .
27 It was their much-praised BCR exhibition in 1986 that revived his own and others ' interest in the old railway and led to the process of discussion that ( in the relaxed South Shropshire way ) led to the formation of the Society three years later .
28 Another US study found that firms averaged 2 patents per $1m of own R&D , and 0.6 patents per$1m of rivals ' R&D , suggesting that own and rivals ' R&D are complementary ( Jaffe , 1986 ) .
29 Further , there is very little evidence to suggest that R&D spillovers seriously undermine incentives to invest in R&D , partly because own and rivals ' R&D is often complementary and partly because many firms must invest in R&D in order to be able to benefit from spillovers .
30 Perhaps just slightly more expensive than goats ' milk , she said .
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